Gut durch den Hochschul-Alltag: diversitätssensibel, vor(ur)teilsbewusst und inklusiv
University of Graz
Lisa Scheer, Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien und Gleichstellung der Universität Graz
Course Content
Everyday life in higher education is experienced very differently by employees and students. Many can realize their potential, feel supported and appropriately challenged. Some feel that their needs are not taken seriously or even overburdened. This has to do with disadvantages and privileges, with advantages and prejudices that are as much a part of everyday higher education life as diversity.
This MOOC makes visible the diversity of experiences in everyday (higher education) life and the diversity of people in higher education. It offers suggestions for more sensitive perception and reflection on one's own position within social power relations. In the nine lessons of the MOOC, possible challenges that have to do with gender, race, class, disability, religion, etc. are highlighted. Explanations about all that happens in higher education interactions are given as well as suggestions for an inclusive, bias- and discrimination-free interaction.
Course Goals
The aim of the course is to address power relations and discrimination (sexism, racism, ageism, rejectionism, classism ...) encountered in everyday study and work and to explain them using examples. The content encourages observation and reflection, supports the development of knowledge and contains suggestions for acting more inclusive in everyday higher education.
After completing this course
- you will have expanded your understanding of common terms and contexts,
- you will be able to recognize power relations and discrimination by means of examples and perceive them better in everyday life,
- you will have sharpened your awareness of prejudice and discrimination,
- you will be able to act in a more diversity-sensitive manner and with greater solidarity in everyday university life.
Previous Knowledge
Course Procedure
The course includes nine lessons on the following topics:
- Lesson 1: Introduction to the topic and explanatory approaches.
- Lesson 2: Gender, sexism, sexual discrimination and violence
- Lesson 3: Beyond heteronormativity
- Lesson 4: Everyday racism and whiteness
- Lesson 5: Religious bias and prejudice in higher education
- Lesson 6: Social origin, classism, and habitus sensitivity
- Lesson 7: Disability, mental health, and digital barrierism
- Lesson 8: Ageism
- Lesson 9: Support services, solidarity, and allyship
Each week 2 lessons will be released.
Each lesson includes at least two videos covering important aspects of each topic. You will also find additional resources and/or assignments in each lesson to support your learning and reflection process. Likewise, you will receive recommended reading on all topics and conclude each lesson with a multiple-choice quiz.
For actively participating in the course you will receive
an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name
as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this
certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the
self-assessment questions correctly.
You will also receive a badge for each individual lesson completed.
The MOOC is open to the public and free of charge, but it is also part of the course "Mastering everyday life at university: thinking about diversity, inclusion, privilege and biases" (course number ETD.01015UB) at the University of Graz. In order to take the course, you need to register for it in UNIGRAZonline.
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0News: Award for the AntiBias MOOC
Lisa Scheer, creator of the AntiBias MOOC, received an award at the Anton Schellnast Award Ceremony at the University of Graz.
In the category of cooperation, the showcase project came in second place and Lisa Scheer was awarded for the strong cooperation, which was the cornerstone of the MOOC, as well as for the elaborate organisation of the large group of experts and extras involved.
The photos show the award made at the university and Christina Fischer-Lessiak, who also worked on the MOOC as a colleague of Lisa Scheer.
Course Instructor
Lisa Scheer, Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien und Gleichstellung der Universität Graz
Lisa Scheer worked at the Coordination Centre for Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities at the University of Graz and was responsible, among other things, for the AntiBias Circle, which is primarily responsible for the MOOC. She currently works at the Competence Center for University Teaching.
Expert*innen, die zum MOOC beigetragen haben: Simone Adams, Zentrum für digitales Lehren und Lernen, Universität Graz
Jessica Braunegger, BA, Masterstudentin der Interdisziplinären Geschlechterstudien, Universität Graz
Christina Cortolezis, B.A., Masterstudentin der Interdisziplinären Geschlechterstudien, Universität Graz
Parmida Dianat, BA, Masterstudentin der Europäischen Ethnologie, Universität Graz
Manuel Feldbaumer, MEd BEd BA,
Zentrum für digitales Lehren und Lernen, Universität Graz
Christina Fischer-Lessiak, BA. MA., Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien und Gleichstellung, Universität Graz
Mag. Gregor Fischer-Lessiak, Europäisches Trainings- und Forschungszentrum für Menschenrechte und Demokratie der Universität Graz (UNI-ETC)
Susanne Gartler, Bachelorstudentin Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Magdalena Laura Halb, Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfrage, Universität Graz
Lukas Georg Hartleb, BA. MA., Schreibzentrum, Lehr- und Studienservices, Universität Graz Barbara Hey, MBA, Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien und Gleichstellung, Universität Graz
Diana Holler, BA, Masterstudentin der Global Studies, Universität Graz
Victoria Hubner, Bachelorstudentin Philosophie und Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Mag.a Johanna Kerschbaumer, Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfrage, Universität Graz
Susanne Kink-Hampersberger, MA, Institut für Educational Governance, Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Špela Kisilak, BA, Masterstudentin der Interdisziplinären Geschlechterstudien, Universität Graz
Thomas Klebinder, Bachelorstudent Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Assoz. Ulla Kriebernegg, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung, Universität Graz
Timna Kriechbaum, Bachelorstudentin Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Lamprecht, Centrum für Jüdische Studien, Universität Graz Mag.a Barbara Levc, Lehrende für Inklusion an der PH Steiermark, Zentrum Integriert Studieren Universität Graz und PH Steiermark
Mag.a Mevlida Mešanović, BEd, Institut für Katechetik und Religionspädagogik, Universität Graz
Molinaro, Bachelorstudentin Kunstgeschichte und Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Lena Riesenberger, Bachelorstudentin Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Lehramt Sekundarstufe (AB), Universität Graz
Robert Riesenhuber, BSc, Masterstudent der Global Studies, Universität Graz
Sarah Sadeghi, BA, Masterstudentin der Global Studies, Universität Graz
Gabriele Schrümpf, BA, Masterstudentin der Europäischen Ethnologie, Universität Graz
Dr. Thomas Schweitzer, NAWI Graz Koordinationsbüro, Universität Graz
Victoria Shmidt, Ph.D., Institut für Geschichte, Universität Graz
Katharina Veits, BA, Masterstudentin der Interdisziplinären Geschlechterstudien, Universität Graz
Cordula Weitgruber, BA BA BA, Masterstudentin der Europäischen Ethnologie, Universität Graz
Mag.a Eva Wenig, Institut für Katechetik und Religionspädagogik, Universität Graz Sophie
Whybrew M.A., Zentrum für Genderforschung und Diversität, Kunstuniversität Graz
Ilse Wieser, Koordinationsstelle für Geschlechterstudien und Gleichstellung, Universität Graz
Chia-Tyan Yang, Pianistin und ehrenamtliche Generalsekretärin der gemeinnützigen
Organisation „Live Music Now Steiermark“
Zivkocić, Masterstudent der Global Studies, Universität Graz
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University of Graz