This course was created as a joint project of four universities in order to be able to look at the topic of dementia and nutrition from multiple sides. Theoretical and practical parts of various disciplines from nursing, occupational therapy, speech therapy, dietetics and nutritional geragogy were developed for this purpose.
This goal was achieved through intensive cooperation between teams from these disciplines at the universities MedUni Graz, FH Wiener Neustadt, FH JOANNEUM and PH Steiermark. Each individual team contributed to the success and quality to the highest degree. This made a unique course possible that can be used across the borders of federal states.
This course was created by
- Sen. Scient. Dr. Sandra Schüssler from MedUni Graz (Technology and Health Topics, Nursing Science) in collaboration with Natalie Sofia Horn, MA (Room466 by WKO Steiermark) and Dr. DI Lucas Paletta with team (Joanneum Research Digital) and with the kind support of Dr. Maurice Chales de Beaulieu, M.A. (Managing Director MiiCare GmbH) and Univ. Regina Roller Wirnsberger and team (University Clinic for Internal Medicine) through concept feedback.
- Wolfgang Staubmann BSc MSc, Manuela Hatz MEd, Eva Resinger BA BSc from FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences (Dietetics and Nutrition and Logopedics)
- Dr. Verena Tatzer, Ulrike Selzer-Haslauer, Helga Fabianits of FH Wiener Neustadt university of applied sciences (Ergotherapy)
- Mag. Brigitte Pleyer of PH Steiermark university of teacher education (nutritional geragogy)
- Prof. Sandra Holasek, Mag. Lisa Maurer, DI (FH) Eva Ulbrich of Sterz (organisation and technology)
Over 55 million people worldwide are affected by dementia and this number will continue to increase in the future, thus leading to challenges of health systems. In-depth knowledge of health professionals about dementia and its negative effects, such as nutritional problems, is necessary to pursue targeted prevention strategies and to provide adequate treatment and care.
Therefore, the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on dementia and food nutrition was developed for the health sector.
Due to its conception, the MOOC will be available free of charge for various health care professions in German-speaking countries. In the future, an English-language version is also planned in order to further increase the amount of people that can profit from the MOOC.
This course is created by several university partners and therefore looks at many aspects around this topic. The target group of the course is all health professionals as well as interested lay people, which is why the course has been designed in the simplest way possible.
Also you might be interested in at least parts of this course.
The course has been designed with the intention of providing content for all health professionals and interested lay people. Both theoretical and practical learning contents offer a wide range of help also for interested lay people who, for example, care for a family member with incipient dementia.
In addition, the course is intended to serve as a basis for persons in health care professions to deepen their knowledge in one thematic area of the partners. With the positive completion of the performance review of this course, you are entitled to apply to one of the universities and take an examination in this field.
The content is divided into six lessons.
- Overview, definitions, signs of dementia: What does dementia mean and what signs indicate it? What can trigger dementia and what effects, such as malnutrition, can dementia have?
- Risk factors, prevention and nutritional concepts: How can dementia be prevented, for example, through nutrition? What nutritional concepts and food choices are recommended?
- Effects of dementia on dietary behaviour: Which areas of nutrition can be affected by dementia and what impact can this have?
- Practical aspects of nutrition in dementia: What practice recommendations and interventions for nutritional problems can be used to provide adequate nutritional care for people with dementia?
- The role of occupational therapy: eating aids, cutlery and the role of occupational therapy in dementia.
- New technologies as support: What technical support can be applied in dementia in the area of nutrition?
- Graduates know how to recognise dementia and what connections there are to nutrition.
- Risk factors can be avoided and suitable nutritional concepts can be selected.
- Graduates can make appropriate food choices for a balanced diet / recommendations and portion sizes and know about differences between the Austrian (Styrian) and Mediterranean food pyramid. They know how to document eating and drinking behaviour and can use the B.A.U.M. principle to improve drinking behaviour.
- Graduates can give practical help and take appropriate measures in case of food refusal and appetite stimulation.
- Graduates can name possible effects of neurocognitive impairments on activities of daily living, especially in relation to nutrition, are sensitised to activities for people with dementia and can suggest simplifications of activities and support and offer individual support and aids for eating and drinking.
- New technologies can be selected and used sensibly and appropriately.
No previous knowledge is necessary.
This course should be able to be attended by interested people dealing with these issues in their private life, maybe helping a relative, as well as people working in health professions.
For a certificate you should be able to answer most of the questions and for a university exam for ECTS please contact the related partnering university. Write to the person involved in the creation of the course who is from the university regarding this.
You can also submit this certificate to professional associations to receive continuing education credits.
This includes, that you are welcome to submit the confirmation of participation with your MTD-CPD certificate application at Please refer to the guidelines and instructions of the Professional Association of Dietetics.
After an introduction of the respective partners and partner universities, you will get an overview of dementia and connections to nutrition.
Afterwards, you will delve into certain fields, starting with prevention and recognition from dietary considerations and practical tips to help through technology.
Please read the material carefully and use the videos to help you.
After each lesson, reflect on what you have learned with those around you and take a look at further literature.
If the topic is of particular interest to you, we suggest further courses such as
about nutrition geragogy and about nutrition of the elderly.
Medical University of Graz
Sen. Scient. Sandra Schüssler is a nursing scientist, senior scientist and head of the TechCare Lab research group at the Medical University of Graz. The TechCare Lab aims to co-develop, further develop and test (new) technologies (e.g. social robots, virtual reality) for the healthcare sector in multidisciplinary collaboration. A special, but not sole focus of the research group is on the target group of persons with cognitive impairments, such as dementia and their care problems (e.g. malnutrition).
PH Styria
Mag.a Brigitte Pleyer works at the Institute for Secondary Vocational Education in the Nutrition Department of the University of Teacher Education Styria in Graz ( as a lecturer and nutrition scientist. She completed her teacher training and doctorate at the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Vienna. Afterwards, she worked for many years in nutrition prevention and co-authored the reference book "Nutrition in old age" with Alexandra Raidl. As of the academic year 2019/2020, she established "Nutritional Geragogy" for the nutrition subject area of the secondary vocational education teacher training programme at the University of Teacher Education. Her focus in research and teaching is the subject-didactic implementation of nutritional science content also on nutritional-geragogical topics. Since 22.02.2022, an iMooX course on the topic of "Eating pleasure in old age - nutritional geragogy supported" is freely available:
FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences
Wolfgang Staubmann, BSc MSc works as a dietician & lecturer (FH) at the Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition at FH JOANNEUM. and his research focuses on the following areas: Working on ways to promote enjoyment and provide adequate nutritional care for older people with altered sensory perceptions such as taste and smell; working on issues of healthy ageing in the context of nutrition, integrated into the Health Perception Lab research laboratory. He completed his training as a dietician in 2012 and has been working at FH JOANNEUM since 2013. In addition to freelance consulting work, he completed the Master of Science in Health and Nutrition at University College Dublin in 2016. He teaches in various master's and continuing education courses in Styria. As part of his research activities, he worked on projects such as SCOBES-AR, FABELHAFT , DAMIA - Der alte Mensch is(s)t anders , Genussbroschüre Ernährung im Alter and others.
Manuela Hatz, MEd is a dietician and lecturer (FH) at the Institute of Dietetics and Nutrition at FH JOANNEUM with a focus on nutrition counselling & communication, healthy ageing, didactic concepts, new media & media work in the field of teaching and research. After training as a dietician in 1998, she worked in various professional fields, including the neurological rehabilitation sector and the development of obesity therapy concepts. In addition, she completed her Master's degree in health education in 2015 and has since been teaching at other universities/training institutions, such as the PH Steiermark, in addition to FH JOANNEUM. In addition, she has been working as a freelancer for many years, providing clients with individual nutritional therapies. As part of her work in the EUTIP and FABELHAFT projects, among others, she has dealt intensively with aspects of Healthy Ageing.
Eva Maria Resinger, BA BSc is a speech therapist, linguist & university lecturer (FH) at the Institute of Logopedics at FH JOANNEUM. Her teaching and research activities focus on neurology and geriatrics. Here she deals specifically with the topics of neurologically caused swallowing, speech and language disorders as well as linguistics. Eva Resinger completed her linguistics studies at Karl Franzens University in Graz in 2011 and her speech therapy studies at FH JOANNEUM in Graz in 2014. From 2014 to 2017 she worked as a tutor and research assistant, and since 2017 as a lecturer at the Institute of Speech Therapy. In the context of her research activities, she worked on projects such as SCOBES-AR, FABELHAFT as well as several speech therapy-specific projects. She also works as a speech therapist in an inpatient setting on an acute neurology ward and a geriatric ward.
Romana Eichelsberger, BSc MEd is a qualified health and nursing care worker and nursing educator/lecturer (FH) with teaching and research focuses on geriatrics and simulation-based teaching at the Institute of Health Care and Nursing at FH JOANNEUM. She was able to deepen her practical professional expertise through several years of professional work at the Albert Schweitzer Klinik (GGZ) in the areas of long-term care, acute geriatrics/remobilisation and the Apallic Care Unit. She studied health and nursing science at the Medical University of Graz and health education at the University of Applied Sciences Carinthia. Furthermore, as a Practitioner in Medical Simulation, she deepened her knowledge in simulation-based teaching in health care and nursing and was significantly involved in the development of the study programme and the simulation centre. She is currently responsible in the study programme organisation as study year coordinator for the 2nd study year. She is the chairperson of the Federal Working Group for Nursing Education and is involved in this area as well as in networking between theory and practice.
This is FH JOANNEUM | Imagevideo - YouTube
FH Wiener Neustadt University of Applied sciences phil. Verena C. Tatzer, MSc is an occupational therapist and research associate at the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. Verena Tatzer completed her basic training in Baden in 2003. She gained practical experience in psychiatry and geriatrics in Vienna and completed the joint programme, the "European Master in Occupational Therapy" at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, in Denmark, at the Hogeschool of Amsterdam and the University of Brighton in 2008. In 2017 she completed her doctorate in palliative care and organisational ethics at the University of Klagenfurt. Activity and participation of people with cognitive impairment/dementia are the focus of her research. Other focal points in research and teaching are geriatrics and gerontology, occupational therapy basics and occupational science as well as narrative and participatory research methods. She is a member of the board of the Austrian Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology and heads the section "Clinical Gerontology". She is currently leading the project "A Library for All - the Dementia-Friendly Library Wiener Neustadt" (
The MOOC was developed in cooperation with Helga Fabianits and Ulrike Selzer-Haslauer, who both teach together with Verena Tatzer in the elective subject "Occupational therapy with people with dementia and their relatives".
Helga Fabianits has been working as an occupational therapist in the geriatric field in various settings since 1988. At the end of the 1990s, she increasingly specialised in occupational therapy work with people with dementia and worked, among other things, for 10 years on a focal ward for people with dementia. In 2012, she joined forces with two committed colleagues to form the "Ergoteam Demenz" - a joint practice for therapy and education. She is active as a freelance lecturer and repeatedly works as an expert in various projects, for example in 2020 with "Living well with dementia in the community" As an external lecturer, she teaches at the FH Wr. Neustadt and the FH Campus Wien in the occupational therapy degree programme. On the topic of eating and dementia, she wrote an article with Edeltraud Cortolezis and Ulrike Selzer-Haslauer in the professional journal Praxis Ergotherapie.,
Ulrike Selzer-Haslauer has been an occupational therapist since 1984. The main focus of occupational therapy is to maintain the greatest possible independence and autonomy, the retention of valued activities and social participation. She has many years of experience in the field of geriatrics in different settings - both employed and freelance. Since 2001, her focus and expertise has been in the field of dementia. She has been active for over 10 years as a lecturer at various training institutions, author of professional articles, active participant in a wide variety of projects and workshop leader in the field of "occupational therapy and dealing with people with dementia". Since 2012, she has been part of the Ergoteam Dementia group practice in Vienna, with a focus on occupational therapy and education for people with dementia and their caregivers.
Additional training/education/experience:
- Occupational therapy in palliative care
- Basal stimulation
- Biography work
- Courses in validation
- Dementia balance model - multiplier (
- Dementia training and participation in working groups, congresses and action days, dementia-friendly communities/districts
- Teaching activities with various educational institutions
- Years of personal experience as a relative of a family member with dementia
"You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life." (Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the hospice movement)
Room466Natalie Sofia Horn, MA is a project manager and social scientist at Room466. She researches and works in the fields of talent management and digital learning, among others. Room466 is a newly founded R&D department of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce, which, through the implementation of national and international projects, aims to help shape the Styrian economy for the future and to support both employers and employees in their development. These projects deal with future-relevant topics such as sustainability & green economy, talent management as well as digital education and new forms of learning.
Sie können in Betracht ziehen diesen Kurs bei Organisationen wie dem Verband der Diätologen oder Logopäden einzureichen.
Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen des jeweiligen Verbandes. Zumeist benötigen Sie das Zertifikat, das Sie durch diesen Kurs erhalten. Danach können Sie es einreichen und prüfen lassen, ob Sie damit Weiterbildungspunkte erhalten. Entschieden wird von den Einrichtungen von Fall zu Fall. Edvina Bešić, PhD (DigIn Project Head; University College Professor of Inclusive Education and Inclusive Didactis, PH Steiermark; leadership team member at the Research Center for Inclusive Education - FZIB) Silvana Aureli, BEd (Institute for Digital Media Education, PH Steiermark) Mag.a Barbara Levc (Head of the Competence Center "Inklusiv Studieren", PH Steiermark) Silvia Kopp-Sixt, MA (Institute for Early Childhood and Primary School Education, PH Steiermark; extended leadership team member at the Research Center for Inclusive Education - FZIB)
Daniela Ender, MSc (Scientific Assistant at PPH Augustinum; staff member at the Research Center for Inclusive Education - FZIB)
Prof. David Wohlhart BEd (Retired Professor at PPH Augustinum; staff member at the Research Center for Inclusive Education - FZIB) Martina Kalcher (Department of Educational Sciences with a focus on Inclusion, PPH Augustinum; leadership team member at the Research Center fo Inclusive Education - FZIB)Translation and adaptions for the relevant country context:
Heidrun Demo, PhD (Associate Professor for Inclusive Education, UNIBZ)
Rosa Bellacicco, PhD (Researcher at the Competence Centre of School Inclusion, UNIBZ)
Anna Frizzarin, PhD (Scientific Assistant at the Competence Centre of School Inclusiont, UNIBZ)
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Anka Izetbegović (President of the Association DUGA)
Alma Kudra, MA (Project worker at the Association DUGA)
North Macedonia:
Rozita Petrinska Labudovikj, MSc (President of the Association Zdruzhenie za unapreduvanje na obrazovanieto, kulturata i sportot OBRAZOVANIE ZA SITE Skopje)
Milica Timchevska, MA (Teacher at OOU “Hristijan Karposh”)
Questo MOOC è stato creato nell'ambito del progetto Erasmus+ "DigIn", coordinato da esperti nel campo della digitalizzazione e dell’educazione inclusiva. Il corso è rivolto ai docenti della scuola primaria e secondaria, ma anche a formatori, tutor e, in generale, a tutti coloro che si interessino di inclusione nell'era digitale.
Tenendo presente che la digitalizzazione e l'educazione inclusiva comportano sia enormi opportunità che sfide stringenti per i sistemi educativi – sia per il personale scolastico che in termini di metodologie didattiche e di sviluppo della scuola – il corso mira ad avviare processi di trasformazione della vita scolastica di tutti i giorni.
Nei suoi cinque moduli, il MOOC fornisce approfondimenti su vari argomenti, tra cui lo Universal Design for Learning (UDL), accessibilità, usabilità e tecnologie assistive. Inoltre, esso fornisce esempi concreti di come gli strumenti digitali possono essere utilizzati nella didattica in classe, mostra come organizzare opportunità di apprendimento cooperativo e fornisce spunti per lo sviluppo di una didattica digitale inclusiva.
Questo corso mira infatti a rafforzare le competenze degli insegnanti – e di chiunque vi sia interessato – nel campo dell'educazione digitale inclusiva. Li vogliamo preparare a favorire l’apprendimento e la partecipazione degli studenti con disabilità e disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento (DSA) nell'era digitale.
Quando parliamo di “studenti con disabilità” facciamo riferimento alla definizione proposta nella Convenzione ONU per i diritti delle persone con disabilità: “Per persone con disabilità si intendono coloro che presentano durature menomazioni fisiche, mentali, intellettive o sensoriali che in interazione con barriere di diversa natura possono ostacolare la loro piena ed effettiva partecipazione nella società su base di uguaglianza con gli altri.”
Questo MOOC mira a rafforzare le competenze degli insegnanti (e di tutti gli interessati al tema) nel campo dell’educazione digitale inclusiva al fine di consentire agli studenti con disabilità e DSA di partecipare proficuamente all’istruzione digitale. Il contenuto si basa sul “Quadro europeo per le competenze digitali degli educatori” dell'Unione Europea (DigCompEdu) e, in particolare, sull'area di competenza numero cinque, ovvero “valorizzazione delle potenzialità degli studenti”. Quest'area si focalizza su tre aspetti principali dell'attività professionale dei docenti e dei formatori:
Accessibilità e inclusione: Assicurare che le risorse e le attività di apprendimento proposte siano accessibili a tutti gli studenti, inclusi quelli con bisogni educativi speciali. Considerare aspettative, abilità, abitudini e preconcetti di ogni studente rispetto al (mondo) digitale e rispondere in modo appropriato, anche in funzione di eventuali vincoli contestuali, fisici o cognitivi che possano condizionare l’uso delle tecnologie digitali da parte dello studente stesso.
Differenziazione e personalizzazione: Utilizzare le tecnologie digitali per rispondere ai diversi bisogni educativi dei singoli studenti, permettendo a ciascuno di procedere al proprio ritmo e a diversi livelli, definendo percorsi e obiettivi didattici individuali.
Partecipazione attiva: Utilizzare le tecnologie digitali per far sì che gli studenti affrontino in modo propositivo e creativo un argomento di studio. Abbinare l’utilizzo delle tecnologie digitali a strategie didattiche in grado di favorire l’attivazione delle abilità trasversali e del pensiero critico, nonché la libera espressione della creatività. Ampliare il percorso di apprendimento, integrando nuove attività da svolgere in contesti reali, in cui lo studente sia coinvolto in attività pratiche, in percorsi di ricerca scientifica, o nella risoluzione di problemi complessi o che si basino sull’uso di strategie in grado di promuovere un maggior coinvolgimento attivo di chi apprende argomenti complessi.
L’area di competenza numero cinque fornisce un orientamento rispetto alle competenze richieste per un uso appropriato delle tecnologie digitali al fine di rispondere alle esigenze di apprendimento individuali e, quindi, per lo sviluppo di una didattica digitale inclusiva.
Il MOOC è suddiviso nei seguenti moduli:
Modulo 1: Universal Design for Learning.
Modulo 2: Accessibilità e usabilità.
Modulo 3: Tecnologie assistive.
Modulo 4:Strumenti digitali per una didattica inclusiva.
Modulo 5: Apprendimento socialmente integrato (online).
Ciascun modulo è composto da tre sezioni.
Dopo aver completato questo MOOC, i partecipanti:
- Valutano i vincoli contestuali, fisici o cognitivi all'uso delle tecnologie digitali.
- Comprendono l'importanza di un accesso equo a tecnologie e risorse digitali appropriate.
- Sanno utilizzare tecnologie e strategie digitali (ad es. tecnologie assistive) progettate per gli studenti con disabilità.
- Sanno considerare e rispondere ad eventuali problemi di accessibilità durante la selezione, la modifica o la creazione di risorse digitali.
- Comprendono i principi di progettazione per aumentare l'accessibilità alle risorse e agli ambienti digitali utilizzati nell'insegnamento e sono in grado di implementarli e applicarli con successo.
- Sanno monitorare e riflettere sull'adeguatezza delle misure attuate per migliorare l'accessibilità e adattano le strategie di conseguenza.
- Comprendono come utilizzare le tecnologie digitali per visualizzare e spiegare nuovi concetti in modo motivante e coinvolgente.
- Sono in grado di utilizzare le tecnologie digitali per consentire agli studenti di impegnarsi attivamente nell'argomento in questione, ad es. usando sensi diversi. In questo modo si mette l'uso (attivo) delle tecnologie digitali da parte degli studenti al centro del processo didattico.
- Sono in grado di selezionare tecnologie digitali appropriate per promuovere l'apprendimento attivo in contesti didattici specifici (ad es. apprendimento cooperativo).
- Valutano quanto siano adatte le diverse tecnologie digitali utilizzate per aumentare l'apprendimento attivo degli studenti e adattano strategie e scelte di conseguenza.
Non ci sono prerequisiti per frequentare il corso. Per quanto riguarda i requisiti tecnici, si devono saper utilizzare efficacemente le applicazioni internet più comuni. Tutti i video sono sottotitolati; inoltre, il corso propone dei materiali
aggiuntivi (trascrizioni audio/video, ecc.) in tutte le lingue del progetto con lo scopo di garantirne l'accessibilità dei contenuti.
A seconda del ritmo di apprendimento
e della disponibilità di tempo individuali, il corso può essere completato più o meno rapidamente. Alla fine di ogni modulo (corso, bibliografia, video), verrà chiesto ai partecipanti di sottoporsi ad un breve quiz di valutazione. Per superare il
quiz, è necessario ottenere un punteggio pari almeno al 75%. È possibile ripetere il quiz per un massimo di cinque volte.
Una volta ultimato il corso, ciascun partecipante riceverà automaticamente un certificato che attesta il nome utente, il nome del corso e le lezioni completate. Si sottolinea che il certificato di partecipazione conferma solamente che il partecipante ha risposto correttamente ad almeno il 75% delle domande di autovalutazione.
Se ne riuserà alcune parti, La preghiamo di indicare le informazioni allegate al materiale (titolo, autore e la licenza CC BY SA 4.0 con link a e se lo ha modificato.
Zdruzhenie za unapreduvanje na
obrazovanieto, kulturata i sportot
Non-governmental organisation/association
Bul. Kocho Racin 14/6-2, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
represented by Rozita Petrinska
OOU "Hristijan Karposh"
centre – General education (primary level)
Radoje Dimik bb, 1300 Kumanovo, North Macedonia
represented by Miroljub Paunovikj;
Milica Timchevska
Association DUGA
Petra Tiješića 10, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
represented by Anka Izetbegović, Alma
Higher education institution
(tertiary level)
Piazza Università, 1, 39100 Bolzano, Italy
represented by Paolo Lugli, Heidrun Demo, Rosa Bellacicco, Anna Frizzarin, Dario Ianes
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Visitate anche la pagina web del progetto: Digitalizzazione ed educazione inclusiva (
Mag.a Brigitte Pleyer ist Ernährungswissenschafterin am Institut für Sekundarstufe Berufsbildung, Fachbereich Ernährung an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark in Graz. Sie hat ihre Ausbildung an der Universität Wien absolviert und schrieb die erste Dissertation auf dem Gebiet der Ernährungswissenschaft in Österreich. Jahrzehntelange Erfahrungen in der Prävention ernährungsmitbedingter Erkrankungen hat Sie für die Zielgruppe der älteren Personen gemeinsam mit Frau Mag.a Alexandra Raidl in das fachwissenschaftliche Buch „Ernährung im Alter“, einfließen lassen. Diese Erkenntnisse bilden die Basis für die Gründung des Wahlfachs „Ernährungsgeragogik“ und die Entwicklung sowie Evaluierung von Methoden der Ernährungsgeragogik. Dazu zählen Checklisten und das B.A.U.M.-Prinzip. Der Schwerpunkt Ihrer heutigen Tätigkeit liegt in der Lehre und Forschung bei der Umsetzung sowie Evaluierung von ernährungswissenschaftlichen Themen für den Unterricht in Ernährung an humanberuflichen Schulen.
Kooperation für Regie und Schnitt:
Institut für Sekundarstufe Berufsbildung, Fachbereich Information und Kommunikation: Manuela Mair, Valore Feka, Daniel Ress
Mitarbeit von Studierenden:
Institut für Sekundarstufe Berufsbildung, Fachbereich Ernährung:
Weilguni, Christina Autischer, Lisa-Maria-Pfeifer, Julia Fuchsbilchler,
Elena Reiter, Patricia Singer, Magdalena Stollwitzer, Johannes Brunner,
Anna Mitterbacher, Dominik Pirker, Daniela Pirker, Julia Writz, Lena
Goss, Magdalena Koberer, Marlene Riemer, Sandra Schatz, Kathrin Schön,
Ines Rückschloss, Stefanie Veith, Steven Büchsenmeister, Julia Brucker, Michaela Eder, Therese Freiler, Laura Gumilar, Carina Leisser, Verena Leitner, Jeannine Lorenz, Sabrina Niederegger, Eva Cornelia Tomic, Sandra Walder, Jasmin Zöhrer
1. Video: Ehepaar Adelheid und Helmut Pein als ältere Erwachsene
Gast im 3. Video: Wolfgang Staubmann, BSc, MSc, Institut für Diätologie, FH Joanneum
Schwerpunkt des MOOCs „Essgenuss im Alter – Ernährungsgeragogik unterstützt“ ist das Anwenden von Methoden der Ernährungsgeragogik als Beitrag zum Erhalten des selbständigen Essens und Trinkens bis ins hohe Alter. Dabei stehen das Verbessern der Lebensqualität und das Vermeiden von Mangelernährung im Mittelpunkt. Es werden in fünf Schwerpunkten das Trinkverhalten, Vorlieben und Essgewohnheiten, Zubereitung von Speisen und nötige Konsistenzadaptierungen, Modifikationen beim Service und Beispiele für die ausreichende Deckung des Bedarfs an Protein und Calcium beleuchtet. Lernende können ohne Vorkenntnisse die Inhalte erarbeiten und mit bereitstehenden Materialien und Übungen in der Praxis anwenden.
An wen richtet sich dieser Kurs?
Kurs richtet sich an Lehrende und Lernende an
humanberuflichen Schulen oder anderen Ausbildungen zu sozialen Berufen. Er ist auch geeignet für Menschen, die bereits
in der Praxis mit älteren Erwachsenen arbeiten. Der Erwerb von Kompetenzen in Ernährungsgeragogik ist empfehlenswert für Personen, die in ihrem beruflichen oder privaten Umfeld
die Ernährung im Alter und Methoden der Ernährungsgeragogik in ihrem Alltag
umsetzen wollen. Es werden mit Hilfe von Checklisten und des B.A.U.M.-Prinzips
Anregungen zur Modifikation der Ernährung und des Essverhaltens für ein
selbständiges Essen und Trinken bis ins hohe Alter gezeigt. Der Erwerb dieser
Ernährungskompetenzen ist auch besonders wichtig für Personen, die an der
Verpflegung älterer Menschen beteiligt sind. Dies umfasst nicht nur
Betreuungspersonen und Personal in Küche und Service diverser Einrichtungen,
sondern auch ältere Erwachsene, die sich noch selbst versorgen oder von
Angehörigen betreut werden.
- Ernährungsgeragogik und Ihre Methoden – Definition und Anwendung von Methoden am Beispiel der Verbesserung des Trinkverhaltens.
- Essbiografie und die Anwendung der Grazer-Check-Essbiografie zur Dokumentation von Essgewohnheiten als Basis für die individuelle Modifikation des Speisenangebotes.
- Sensorische Eigenschaften und Konsistenz sind bei der Zubereitung und dem Anrichten von Speisen individuell zu berücksichtigen. Hilfreich für die Wahl der Rezepte ist der Grazer-Rezept-Check-Konsistenz.
- Umgebungsfaktoren sind individuell nach Veränderungen im Laufe des Lebens beim Servieren von Speisen anzupassen.
- Ernährungsstatus – Empfehlungen zur Deckung des Protein- und Calciumbedarfs mit Beispielen von Portionsgrößen für Tagesspeisepläne.
- Nach dem Kurs verfügen Sie über Kompetenzen zu Methoden der Ernährungsgeragogik und deren Umsetzung in die Prävention von Appetitlosigkeit und Mangelernährung bei der Versorgung älterer Erwachsener.
- Sie wissen, wie mit Hilfe des B.A.U.M.-Prinzips sowohl das Trinkverhalten und die Trinkmenge einzelner älterer Personen modifiziert werden kann, als auch das Speisenangebot in Küche und Service bedürfnisorientiert und altersentsprechend anzupassen ist.
- Das Dokumentieren von Essgewohnheiten erlernen Sie mit Hilfe der Grazer-Check-Essbiografie.
- Zur Kontrolle von geeigneten Rezepturen für die erste Phase der Konsistenzadaptierung von Speisen können Sie den Grazer-Rezept-Check-Konsistenz anwenden.
- Darüber hinaus wissen Sie, wie proteinreiche und calciumreiche Tagesspeisepläne zusammenzustellen sind, um die ausreichende Versorgung als Teil der Prophylaxemaßnahmen gegen Sarkopenie und Osteoporose in die Praxis umzusetzen.
- Ziele aller Inhalte
sind das möglichst lange Erhalten des Appetits und der Selbständigkeit
beim Essen, sowie die Vorbeugung von Mangelernährung auch durch Maßnahmen
bei der Speisenzusammenstellung und -zubereitung sowie des Servierens.
benötigen für diesen MOOC keine inhaltlichen Vorkenntnisse, aus technischer
Sicht sollten Sie mit den häufigsten Internetanwendungen umgehen können.
- Lektion 1 beinhaltet „Was
ist Ernährungsgeragogik und welche Methoden gibt es?“
Einstieg - Definitionen - Ziele - Methoden der Ernährungsgeragogik und deren Anwendung
Anwendung des B.A.U.M - Prinzips am Beispiel des Trinkverhaltens älterer Erwachsener - Lektion 2 legt den Schwerpunkt auf die Essbiografie in der Ernährungsgeragogik - Bedeutung und Einsatzbereiche
von Essbiografien - Anwendung des Grazer-Check-Essbiografie - Anwendung des B.A.U.M.-Prinzips am Beispiel der Grazer-Check-Essbiografie
- Lektion 3 zeigt sensorische Eigenschaften von Speisen und Anpassung der Konsistenz - Physiologische Veränderungen und Reaktion der Küche - Kontrolle von geeigneten Rezepturen für die ersten Stufen der Konsistenzadaptierung von Speisen mit dem Grazer-Rezept-Check-Konsistenz - Anwendung des B.A.U.M.-Prinzips beim Zubereiten und Anrichten von Speisen
- Lektion 4 folgt mit zu beachtenden Maßnahmen beim Servieren von Speisen und der Sitzposition. Dazu wird ebenfalls eine Checkliste vorgestellt.
- Lektion 5 zeigt die Bedeutung von protein- und
calciumreichen Lebensmittelquellen und deren Berücksichtigung in
- Jede Einheit besteht aus 1 Video, ergänzenden Unterlagen und Übungen, sowie einem Quiz als Self-Assessment zur Wissensüberprüfung.
- Der Workload beträgt 1-2 Stunden pro Lektion.
Alle Kursmaterialien werden unter der offenen CC BY SA 4.0 Lizenz zur Verfügung gestellt (ausgenommen sind externe Links).
Bei Verwendung der Materialien geben Sie bitte an: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Brigitte Pleyer
Simone Adams is head of the Department of Media Didactics at the Centre for Digital Teaching and Learning at Karl Franzens University Graz. There she is responsible, among other things, for an e-tutor training for students and the media didactic support of teachers in the first "blended learning bachelor" of the University of Graz at the Faculty of Theology. Her work focuses on the use of digital teaching/learning technologies in university teaching, the didactically motivated use of learning management platforms, digital accessibility and Open Educational Resources. As a doctor of American studies and cultural and communication studies, she has also been teaching and researching topics related to diversity and intersectionality in Europe and the USA for years.
Andreas Bollin studied telematics at the Graz University of Technology and earned his doctorate in applied computer science in Klagenfurt, where he also habilitated in 2012. Since 2002, he has researched and worked on many projects on the topic of new media in teaching, simulation games and informatic thinking. He currently heads the Institute for Computer Science Didactics at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Klagenfurt. His main research interests are: Serious Games, Informatic Thinking, Programming Learning, Competence and Maturity Models in Teaching and Gender- and Personality-optimised Teaching.
Martin Ebner teaches and researches as a habilitated educational computer scientist on topics related to technology-supported teaching and learning, often referred to as e-learning for short. Here he is particularly concerned with mobile learning, the effects of social media and learning analytics, and is considered a great advocate of Open Educational Resources. In addition to his involvement in national and international committees, he is also very committed to the school and university system in Austria. In line with his motto ("making education accessible"), he is one of the founding fathers of the iMooX platform. Besides this project, he is known in the German-speaking world for his textbook L3T, which was the first freely accessible of its kind.
- Styrian University of Teacher Education: Martin Teufel, Gerald Geier, Harald Burgsteiner, Juliane Braunstein
- Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum: Angela Schlager, Heinz Finster, Peter Kandlbauer, Herbert Stiegler
- Graz University of Technology: Martin Ebner
- University of Graz: Michael Fasching
- University of Klagenfurt: Andreas Bollin, Markus Wieser, Stefan Pasterk
- Carinthian University of Education: Peter Harrich, Nora Ulbing
- Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland: Elvira Mihalits-Hanbauer
- University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria: Elke Hackl
- Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz: Thomas Schöftner, Petra Traxler
- Johannes Kepler University Linz: Sonja Lenz
As the title suggests, this MOOC deals with the use of digital media in both teaching and learning. It is primarily a first introduction to this large complex of topics and is intended to help students acquire the appropriate media skills for their own teaching.
In addition to definitions and explanations, practical examples are shown and tips and tricks for everyday teaching are given, so that the first own use should be possible afterwards.
For the time being, the content is aimed specifically at teacher training students of all subjects, but of course also at teachers in the profession as well as all interested persons who want to learn more about the possible uses of digital media.
completing this MOOC you will:
- have basic knowledge of media informatics, media didactics and specific legal frameworks and be able to explain them.
- know a variety of examples from practice, which you can adapt and apply to your respective situations.
learning objectives for each unit can be found in the individual module
The course comprises a total of six modules on the following topics, which are interlinked and interrelated:
- Fundamentals of media informatics
- Fundamentals of Media Didactics
- Basics in Computational Thinking / Informatic Thinking
- Legal framework for the use of digital media in the classroom
- Use and impact of digital media in everyday school life
For active participation in the course, an automated confirmation of participation is issued upon completion, which includes your user name, the course name, the course duration and the effort involved. Please note that this is only a confirmation that the user has answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
This work is licensed under a {licenselink}
Assoziierte Partner
NOTE: The MOOC is of course public and freely accessible, but in addition this MOOC is part of the course "Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I" in the curriculum for Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung im Entwicklungsverbund Süd-Ost. For this, it is necessary that you are a student in the development alliance and register for the respective course there. Parallel to the MOOC, there will be accompanying exercises in the context of practice groups. Below you will find the respective courses for registration at the locations:
Place |
Link to the course registration |
College of Education Styria |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (Primar) (SS22) Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (Sek AB) (SS22) |
PPH Augustinum |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS21) |
University of Technology |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS22) |
University of Graz |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (WS22/23) Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS23) |
University of Klagenfurt |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS22) Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS22) |
College Carinthia |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS22) |
Burgenland |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (SS22) |
of Education Upper Austria |
Digitale Grundbildung (WS21) |
University College of Education, Diocese of Linz |
Digitale Grundbildung (WS22) |
Kepler University Linz |
Digitale Grundbildung (SS22) |
Simone Adams is head of the Department of Media Didactics at the Centre for Digital Teaching and Learning at Karl Franzens University Graz. There she is responsible, among other things, for an e-tutor training for students and the media didactic support of teachers in the first "blended learning bachelor" of the University of Graz at the Faculty of Theology. Her work focuses on the use of digital teaching/learning technologies in university teaching, the didactically motivated use of learning management platforms, digital accessibility, and Open Educational Resources. As a doctor of American studies and cultural and communication studies, she has also been teaching and researching topics related to diversity and intersectionality in Europe and the USA for years.
Andreas Bollin studied telematics at the Graz University of Technology and earned his doctorate in applied computer science in Klagenfurt, where he also habilitated in 2012. Since 2002, he has researched and worked on many projects on the topic of new media in teaching, simulation games and informatic thinking. He currently heads the Institute for Computer Science Didactics at the Faculty of Technology at the University of Klagenfurt. His main research interests are: Serious Games, Informatic Thinking, Programming Learning, Competence and Maturity Models in Teaching and Gender- and Personality-optimised Teaching.
Martin Ebner teaches and researches as a habilitated educational computer scientist on topics related to technology-supported teaching and learning, often referred to as e-learning for short. Here he is particularly concerned with mobile learning, the effects of social media and learning analytics, and is considered a great advocate of Open Educational Resources. In addition to his involvement in national and international committees, he is also very committed to the school and university system in Austria. In line with his motto ("making education accessible"), he is one of the founding fathers of the iMooX platform. Besides this project, he is known in the German-speaking world for his textbook L3T (, which was the first freely accessible of its kind.
Course instructors:
- University of Teacher Education Graz: Harald Michael Burgsteiner, Martin Teufel
- Private University College of Education Augustinum: Clemens Lauermann
- Graz University of Technology: Martin Ebner, Maria Grandl
- University of Klagenfurt: Nina Angela Lobnig
- University of Teacher Education Upper Austria: Elke Hackl
- Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz: Thomas Schöftner, Petra Traxler
This MOOC deals with the use of digital media in both teaching and learning and is intended as a consolidation of the topic. The primary aim is to continue the content learned in the course "Educational Technology I" and thus to acquire the corresponding media competences for one's own teaching.
In addition to definitions and explanations, practical examples are shown and tips and tricks for everyday teaching are given so that participants can integrate digital media meaningfully into their everyday teaching and learning.
The contents are aimed specifically at teacher training students of all subjects, but of course also at teachers in the profession as well as all interested persons who want to learn more about the possible uses of digital media for teaching.
After completing this MOOC you will:
have in-depth knowledge of media informatics and media didactics for application in the professional field,
fundamentally understand the informatics way of thinking and
be able to implement technology-based problem solving and know its limitations.
Detailed learning objectives for each unit can be found in the individual module descriptions.
The course is designed as a continuation of the course "Educational Technology I" and therefore it is recommended to have this basic knowledge.
The course comprises a total of six modules on the following topics, which are interlinked and interrelated:
- In-depth knowledge of media informatics in relation to teaching and education.
- In-depth knowledge of media didactics
- In-depth knowledge of Computational Thinking / Informatic Thinking
- In-depth knowledge in the area of media use and effects
For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic confirmation of participation (certificate) which includes your username, the course title, course duration as well as the hours required to complete the course. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
This work is licensed under a {licenselink}
Associated Partners
NOTE: The MOOC is of course public and freely accessible, but in addition this MOOC is part of the course "Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I" in the curriculum for Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung im Entwicklungsverbund Süd-Ost. For this, it is necessary that you are a student in the development alliance and register for the respective course there. Parallel to the MOOC, there will be accompanying exercises in the context of practice groups. Below you will find the respective courses for registration at the locations:
University |
Link to the inscription |
College of Education Styria |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (WS23) |
PPH Augustinum |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (WS23) Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (SS24) |
Graz University of Technology |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (WS23) |
University of Klagenfurt (Studienrichtung |
Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (WS23) |
of Education Upper Austria |
Informations- und Kommunikationtechnologien in der Schule III (SS23) |
University College of Education, Diocese of Linz |
Digitale Grundbildung (WS23) Digitale Grundbildung (SS24) |