FAQ & Contact

How can we help you?


How can we help you?

    • Under the motto “education for all”, iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform.

      More information about iMooX on our About iMooX page.


    • You can reset your iMooX password at any time by going to the following address: https://imoox.at/mooc/login/forgot_password.php.

      After entering your login name or e-mail address, an e-mail will be sent to you containing the further steps.

      However, if this email states that your password cannot be changed via this method, your account was originally created using eduID.
    • “Login with eduID” means that you have logged in under “Login” with eduID with the access data of your educational institution. You can only have these access data changed directly at your educational institution.
    • Of course you can, at any time. To do this, simply click on your user name at the top right and select “Profile”. In the "User account" section, click "Delete account". After checking "I am sure" and confirming, both the account and all related data will be irrevocably deleted.


    • Yes, you can generate a certificate that shows your current progress in the course by clicking the “Certificate” button in the main menu on the left. The certificate includes the course name, your name, the name of the course instructor and how many/which units you have completed. In order to receive the certificate, usually all the activities in a unit must be completed and at least 75% of the self-assessment questions in the course must be answered correctly, if not defined otherwise. It is explicitly pointed out that this is only a confirmation of active participation of a freely registered user account and that no legal claims arise from this.
    • Your first and last name can be changed in the user profile at any time. Please click on your name or user name in the top right corner. Click on "Edit profile" and change your first or last name there.

    Guided courses and discussion forums:

    • After the end of the guided period, the course changes to a self-study status, whereby all content remains freely accessible. During this time, the discussion forum is also accessible, but unmoderated. You will find an indication whether the course is guided or self-study directly in the overview of all courses and on the course homepage.
    • Posts published in the forum that a) violate copyright or b) violate applicable law, or whose contents are c) racist, d) pornographic, e) discriminatory or f) offensive in nature or g) contain advertising, will be deleted in accordance with the user guidelines of the iMooX platform without further warning. Likewise, the affected users will be immediately removed from the discussion forums.
    • By default, you will receive a notification when someone replies to your forum posts, which you will find at the bell icon at the top right.
    • If you would like to receive an email in addition to the system notification, click on your username in the upper right corner, go to “Profile”, “User account” and select "Preferences". Choose “Notification preferences”, search for “forum” and move the toggle buttons (e-mail and mobile) so that they are activated.

      In addition, you can set how often and in what form you would like to be notified about forum discussions, and whether you automatically subscribe to a forum once you have posted there. You will also find this setting in “Profile” > “User account” > ”Preferences”, in “Forum settings”.
    • Forum discussions are primarily intended to enable course participants to exchange ideas and discuss open questions. Participants should help, support and discuss with each other. The course instructors mainly take on a moderator function in the discussion forums (see "Which contents are not tolerated in the discussion forum?") and will only take part in a content-related discussion if necessary. The extent of them intervening may vary depending on the course and might be part of the overall didactic-methodical concept of the course.


    • Badges are digital confirmations in the form of a picture with integrated additional information, which certify certain achievements. There are two different types of badges on iMooX: The first type of badge is one you will receive for each completed unit. In addition, you will receive a course completion badge when you have completed the whole course.
    • You can collect badges locally on your computer or online in so-called backpacks, organise them and share them via various social networks. You alone decide with whom you share which badges. The currently most widely used backpack is called Badgr. You can reach it at the following URL: https://eu.badgr.com

      When creating a Badgr account, make sure that the email address you use for the Badgr account is the same as the one used for your iMooX account so that your badges can be checked and uploaded.
    • You can find the badges you have received by clicking on your name in the top right corner of iMooX.at and then clicking “Manage badges” in the Preferences category. Here, you can see the badges from different courses you have participated in.

      Directly below each badge is a download button. Click on it to download the badge. Save the file to your computer, navigate to the website of your chosen backpack in your browser, and upload the badge to your backpack. You can then share your badges in different ways or make them available to the public.

      If you want to learn more about badges, the following pages will certainly be useful:

    Other questions:

    • You can rate a MOOC with 1 to 5 stars. This is possible from 2 weeks after the enrolment or from 2 weeks after the start date. You can find the option to rate a course at the very bottom of the respective MOOC in the section "More". Here you can rate the course once by awarding stars. The course rating is anonymous.

      If you would like to give additional feedback, you can do so in the course questionnaire. You will find the questionnaire by clicking on the “Certificate” button.
    • Whether a course offered on iMooX can be credited as further education or for your educational leave has to be clarified directly with the responsible office. If the MOOC is intended to be accepted by a certain institution, there is usually some information about it on the course homepage. Apart from badges and the certificate, no other attestations or certificates are issued or signed by iMooX itself.
    • According to our motto “Education for all”, we want to make sure that course contents can be used freely after publication. This idea corresponds to the demand for free and openly licensed educational resources. iMooX generally relies on the widely used Creative Commons licences (https://creativecommons.org/). Which license an individual course uses is ultimately up to the course creator and is listed in the course description under “Licence”. Please consider these regulations if you want to use parts of the course in the context of other events, courses etc. If you are unsure what exactly the licence allows, please read the link to the regulations, which are available in the respective language.
    • We are happy to hear about your interest in offering a MOOC on iMooX.at. Please feel free to contact us at office@iMooX.at and tell us about your plans. In an initial meeting, we will then discuss the requirements and all further steps towards your own MOOC. You are also welcome to complete our moocMAKERmooc in advance, which will prepare you for the creation of your own MOOC.

    • Some questions cannot be answered in our "Frequently Asked Questions". Contact us and send us your requests, questions, comments, complaints etc.



Educational Technology

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+43 316 873-8577
