1nG0 – Basic Online Education in Computer Science

MOOC serija

Projektteam 1nG0

9 Kursevi

O kursu

eInformatics@Austria is a project funded to create and test massive open online courses (MOOCs) for teaching basic computer science. Five Austrian universities are working together on this project and have created seven MOOCs. The common logo for the MOOCs created is ‘1nG0 - Informatik Grundlagen Online’. The educational videos are freely available to anyone interested. eInformatics@Austria is a project of the cluster ‘Informatik und Digitale Kompetenzen’, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in the programme "Digitale und soziale Transformation in der Hochschulbildung".


Besplatno i za svakoga!

iMooX je PRAVA austrijska obrazovana platforma. Nema skrivenih troškova – svi kursevi na iMooX-u su besplatni i pristupačni svakome. Pored toga, s odgovarajućim licencama sadržaj možeš ponovno koristiti na svojim predavanjima, kursevima ili u drugim obrazovnim scenarijima. To je moguće zahvaljujući finansiranju od strane Saveznog ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i istraživanja (BMBWF) i provedbi od strane Tehničkog univerziteta u Grazu u saradnji s Univerzitetom u Beču (University of Vienna) i našim brojnim partnerima. Šta čekaš? Registriraj se odmah!

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