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TU Wien


3062 Participants
7 Cursos
Valoració mitjana
Qui som

Qui som TU Wien


Free Online Courses of TU Wien

TU Wien is Austria's largest research and educational institution in the field of technology and natural sciences. More than 4,000 scientists are researching "technology for people" in five main research areas at eight faculties. The content of the studies offered is based on excellent research. More than 27,000 students in 55 degree programmes benefit from this. As a driver of innovation, TU Wien strengthens the economic location, facilitates cooperation and contributes to the prosperity of society.

As a cosmopolitan university, TU Wien lives internationality in teaching, research and services. Through strategic university partnerships as well as memberships in international university networks and associations, TU Wien sets regional priorities, interacts on an international level and actively participates in the international discourse on higher education policy.

About iMooX

iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform. We offer free and openly licensed educational content for everyone - learn anytime, anywhere.

TU Wien online:


Cursos oferts:

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Gratuïts i per a tothom!

iMooX és LA plataforma educativa austríaca. Sense cap despesa... tots els cursos d’iMooX són gratuïts i accessibles per a tothom. A més a més, amb les llicències corresponents, pots reutilitzar el contingut a les teves classes, cursos o altres escenaris educatius. Això és possible gràcies al finançament del Ministeri Federal d’Educació, Ciència i Investigació (BMBWF), implementat per la Universitat Tecnològica de Graz en col·laboració amb la Universitat de Viena i molts associats nostres. A què estàs esperant? Inscriu-te ara!

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