FHWien der WKW
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Qui som FHWien der WKW
#fhwienderwkw #FHWien #diepraxisstudieren
Free online courses by FHWien der WKW
FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication. As a university of applied sciences with close ties to business, FHWien der WKW offers students practical training and continuing education in management and communication. FHWien der WKW equips students with applied knowledge at the cutting edge of research and entrepreneurial practice. Thanks to its close proximity to the business world, FHWien der WKW provides excellent career prospects for students both at home and abroad.Domestic companies find in FHWien der WKW’s graduates the highly qualified specialists and managers they need to succeed in the globalized market. FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading provider of university of applied sciences study programs and continuing education programs for management and communication, increasingly also at the interface of digital technology and business. Following the principle of lifelong learning, FHWien der WKW actively designs academic education in a flexible and future-oriented manner.
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