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Instructor : Thomas Antretter, Markus Orthaber
Instructor (Image) : []
Instructor (Intro) :

Thomas Antretter has been head of the Institute of Mechanics at the University of Leoben (MUL) since 2010 and is responsible for the education of students in the subject "Technical Mechanics". Since October 2017, he has held the office of Vice Dean of Studies at MUL and as such is responsible for all agendas in the area of "New Media in Teaching".

Markus Orthaber has been Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Mechanics since 2013 and is intensively involved in teaching and examination activities there. His experience in dealing with students with a wide range of educational backgrounds is incorporated into the didactic structure of his courses with the help of new media.

General information about the course :
Course content :

The subject "Mechanics" forms one of the central pillars of engineering studies. The course is aimed at prospective graduates of general or vocational schools who are about to decide on a course of study. A simple example from engineering will be used to provide the first insights into the terminology of the subject. In addition, the course participants should become familiar with the engineer's approach to practical technical-scientific problems.

Learning goal :

After the end of the course the participants will be able to

  • deal with the terms "force and moment".
  • recognize where forces and moments act in a component.
  • handle the terms "internal forces and stresses" and establish connections between them.
  • handle the term "strength" of a material.
  • dimension parts of a machine on the basis of the above terms.
Prerequisites :

Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics at high school level.

Course procedure :
Certificate :

For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic confirmation of participation (certificate) which includes your username, the course title, course duration as well as the hours required to complete the course. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.

Licence : CC BY 4.0
Licence information text :

This work is licensed under a {licenselink}

Partners :
Partner images : []
Effort : 4 hours/unit
YouTube Playlist:
Banner : []
Create sections : Nej
Display unit numeration : Ja
Courseduration : 3 units
Courseintervall : 7 days