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Instructor : iPEAR Team
Instructor (Image) : []
Instructor (Intro) :

Iris Wunder

Ruth Maloszek

Chryssa Themelis

Ekaterina Prasolova-Forland

Mikhail Fominykh

Avgoustos Tsinakos

George Terzopoulos

Alexandros Despotopoulos

Carme Royo

Diana Trevino

General information about the course :

This MOOC on Inclusive Peer Learning with Augmented Reality gives you an overview on the possibilities of working with AR in a peer learning setting in Higher Education (iPEAR approach). The course focuses on low end technology that is easily purchased and that demands no coding. In minor parts, it introduces the work with high end technology, as well. You will learn about the peer to peer pedagogy, a pedagogical strategy on peer learning with AR including an assessment tool for teachers, and you will design your own small AR experience for a peer learning setting.

Please note:
1.    In Week 1 you can meet the course team via ZOOM. Time to be announced.
2.    In Week 2, you can watch a live presentation of HoloLens by our partner IMTELLab of NTNU. Time to be announced.
Both dates are optional (you can still take the course and complete it)

Course content :
Learning goal :

This MOOC will

1) make you aware of Peer-to-Peer learning pedagogy

2) make you aware of visual literacy from augmented reality perspective
3) make you aware of real-life case studies from different disciplines

After the MOOC, you will be

1) able to understand the philosophy, science, and art of peer-to-peer learning
2) able to understand the potential of visualizing learning from AR perspective
3) aware of the AR tools available with examples
4) able to design pear learning scenarios for your students

Prerequisites :

This MOOC is for educators, instructional designers, pedagogy students, and anyone interested in the subject. No prerequisites are necessary to complete this course, but a general habit of reading scientific texts and of following complex descriptions will be of use.

Course procedure :

This MOOC contains 4 units, each unit carries a workload of 2 hours, i.e. you can complete the course in 8 hours.

Certificate :

For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.

Licence : CC BY 4.0
Licence information text : This work is licensed under {licenselink}
Partners :
Partner images : ["https:\/\/imoox.at\/mooc\/pluginfile.php\/387659\/customfield_filemanager\/customfield_partnerimage_filemanager\/416019507\/AETMA%20Lab%20logo.png","https:\/\/imoox.at\/mooc\/pluginfile.php\/387659\/customfield_filemanager\/customfield_partnerimage_filemanager\/416019507\/AKTO%20logo.jpg","https:\/\/imoox.at\/mooc\/pluginfile.php\/387659\/customfield_filemanager\/customfield_partnerimage_filemanager\/416019507\/EUCEN%20logo.jpg","https:\/\/imoox.at\/mooc\/pluginfile.php\/387659\/customfield_filemanager\/customfield_partnerimage_filemanager\/416019507\/IMTEL%20Lab%20logo%20ausschn.jpg","https:\/\/imoox.at\/mooc\/pluginfile.php\/387659\/customfield_filemanager\/customfield_partnerimage_filemanager\/416019507\/logosbeneficaireserasmusleft_en.jpg"]
Additional content :
Effort : 2 hours/unit
YouTube or iTUbe trailer : https://youtu.be/blpc61PuuQM
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhy2nHJciTEA-vvFyh80Re6dNCRJ4CShO
Banner : []
Create sections : Nei
Display unit numeration : Ja
Courseduration : 4 units
Courseintervall : 7 days