About iMooX
Free and for everyone!
iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform. We offer free and openly licensed educational content for everyone - learn anytime, anywhere.
We offer Open Educational Resources with Creative Commons licenses
In contrast to our US competitors, all contents on iMooX are not only accessible free of charge, but also freely reusable. We use Creative Commons licenses, which means that all content offered on iMooX can be used for your own (teaching) purposes and may also be reused free of charge.
Background: What is a MOOC?
A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is a special form of online course that combines traditional forms of knowledge transfer such as videos, reading material and problem solving with discussion forums where teachers and learners can communicate with each other and quizzes that allow learners to test the knowledge they gained. MOOCs are ideal for distributing learning content to a very large number of interested people, independent of time and location. There is no upper limit to the number of participants in this type of online course. In general, MOOCs represent a low-threshold access to scientifically sound information due to their multimedia format.
iMooX becomes EMC member
The European MOOC Consortium (EMC), the leading platform for MOOCs in Europe, welcomes iMooX as its latest member. The partnership with iMooX will intensify the collaboration between major European MOOC players and reinforce a European MOOC movement.
iMooX expert committee is established
The iMooX expert committee meets once per quarter to discuss and plan future developments for the iMooX platform. We invite you to actively participate by submitting feature requests for the website (via email to office@iMooX.at) to the expert committee. Become part of the development and help shape the future of iMooX.
Redesign and Relaunch
As of January 2021, the MOOC platform presents itself in a new look after an extensive update and redesign. Users can now enjoy the new design as well as an improved user experience.
MOOChub awakes
The Graz University of Technology takes over the hosting of the MOOChub, with the goal of connecting different German-language MOOC portals and operators of online learning platforms, universities and university-related associations. In this first phase, the portal offers almost 300 free online courses.
iMooX as a Service
On January 20, 2020 the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research approved a project aiming to make iMooX a service for all Austrian universities. Together with our project partner, the University of Vienna, we will further develop the MOOC platform and make it available to all Austrian universities.
Start FIT Courses
FIT courses in mathematics and computer science start at Graz University of Technology. Their aim is to prepare first-year students for their studies through online courses.
GDPR-MOOC starts
The MOOC for "GDPR training for research and educational institutions" starts. It will be the first to have more than 10,000 participants.
MINT-MOOCs start
In March 2018, the three MINT-MOOCs of the TU Austria (joint project) start. Their subjects are computer science, mathematics and mechanics. Since then, they have been a successful example of bridging courses between school and university. In 2019, AIRCAMPUS published a report on them.
As of December 2017, it is possible to register via eduID. This means that all students whose universities are ACOnet partners can register with their respective university account.
iMooX 2.0
In August 2017, the first major system change with an extensive redesign takes place under the keyword iMooX 2.0.
iMooX video makes it to TV
On April 16, 2016, a clip of the iMooX video "Liquid Oxygen as fire accelerator" by Prof. Pottlacher is broadcast as part of the children's quiz show “1, 2 oder 3” on the topic of "Liquid Oxygen".
MOOC on iMooX receives the Austrian National Award for Adult Education
The MOOC "Free Online Learning" is awarded the Austrian National Award for Adult Education in the category "Focus on Digital Literacy" on December 7, 2015.
First course as MOOC
On March 16, 2015, the first course accompanied by a MOOC starts at the Graz University of Technology. The subject is "Social Aspects of Information Technology”.
iMooX is under the patronage of the UNESCO
"Our decision to grant patronage to your project is based on the implementation of the UNESCO priorities in the area of education. Not only is your project an important contribution for open access to information, but it also promotes information and communication technology in the area of education." - Austrian Commission for UNESCO, October 9, 2014.
iMooX is founded in December 2013 by the University of Graz (project leader: Dr. Michael Kopp) and the Graz University of Technology (project leader: PD Dr. Martin Ebner) and is Austria's first and so far only MOOC platform.
Starting point
The starting point for iMooX is the submission "Development of an educational platform and provision of free accessible courses with multimedia content for the broadest possible section of the population", which is funded by the “Zukunftsfonds des Landes Steiermark” (Styrian future funds).
With our iMooX newsletter, you will not miss any updates about our current and future courses on iMooX.at.
Sign up for the newsletter now!🧑🏫 Digitale Medien im Unterricht gezielt einsetzen! 🚀 Dieser MOOC zeigt dir praxisnahe ...
🔍🎓 Neuer MOOC: Offene Bildungsressourcen (OER) 🎓🔍 Was sind Open Educational Resources (OER) und ...
Stehst du kurz vor dem Schulabschluss und überlegst ein technisches Studium zu beginnen? Doch ...
🔬 Neuer Kurs: MOL.601_1UF Molekularbiologie Laborkurs II 📚 Erhalte theoretisches Wissen & ...
🎓 Weiter geht's mit der Diskrete-Elemente-Methode! 🚀 Hast du bereits den Kurs „Fundamentals of ...
✨ Ball der Technik Graz 2025 ✨ Ein unvergesslicher Abend bei einem der schönsten Bälle ...
iMooX in the press
„Anwendungen, die von KI-unterstützt werden, sind im Alltag angekommen und damit natürlich auch im Lehr- und Lernbetrieb der Hochschulen. Selbstverständlich sind damit neue Herausforderungen verbunden, Risiken, aber auch Chancen und Potenziale. [...] Um alledem gut begegnen zu können, werden im Rahmen einer Serie auf der nationalen MOOC-Plattform iMooX.at von unterschiedlichen Hochschulen Online-Kurse von, über oder mit KI angeboten.“
Read more„Mit den Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) der Universität Wien erleben Teilnehmer*innen Bildung auf Universitätsniveau zu den drängendsten Themen unserer Zeit. Alle Kurse sind kostenlos, jederzeit online abrufbar und werden durch Aufgabenstellungen und betreute Diskussionsforen ergänzt. Die Lektionen werden von hochkarätigen Lehrenden gestaltet. Auf der Plattform imoox.at bietet die Universität Wien ein breites Portfolio an, das jedes Jahr erweitert wird.“
Read more„Nach einem kürzlich erfolgten Relaunch können nun alle heimischen Hochschulen ihre Online-Kurse dort kostenlos zur Verfügung stellen. Lehrende bekommen so hochqualitatives Material, das sie im Rahmen von Vorlesungen oder Seminaren verwenden können.“
Read more„iMooX.at, der zentrale Online-Learning-Hub Österreichs, hat ein neues Design bekommen. Online-Kurse bringen bei, wie man richtig Schmetterlinge zählt oder Wahrscheinlichkeiten berechnet.“
Read more„Die Themenpalette ist auf der neuen Plattform mittlerweile breit gestreut, die Gestaltung der MOOCs – an der Uni Wien etwa besteht ein Kurs üblicherweise aus fünf Lektionen – ist teilweise interdisziplinär.“
Read more„Das iMooX-Programm ist dabei ein zentrales Projekt in der Digitalisierung des Lehrens und des Lernens.“
Read more„Mit dem Relaunch von iMooX ist die Plattform ab sofort unter dem Schlagwort „mobile first" für das Lernen mit mobilen Endgeräten ausgelegt. Im Unterschied zu vielen anderen MOOCs-Plattformen stellt die Plattform die Inhalte aller Kurse als Open Educational Resources (OER), also offen lizenziert, zur Verfügung.“
Read more„Nachdem die Inhalte aller Kurse als Open Educational Resources (OER) frei lizenziert sind, können sie urheberrechtlich unbedenklich genutzt werden, von Privatpersonen ebenso wie von Lehrern etwa an Oberstufen.“
Read more„Der offene Onlinekurs EBmooc plus vermittelt Erwachsenenbildner/innen in Lehre, Training und Bildungsmanagement das Wichtigste zum digitalen Arbeiten in der Praxis.“
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Press package
Do you want to work with us or need information about iMooX? You can contact us directly. We look forward to hearing from you.