Fit for University

Serie MOOC

TU Graz Educational Technology

9 Corsi


Starting university is the beginning of a new phase of life and thus an exciting time. To ease your transition to university and start in higher education, there is a variety of offers.

Some of these free online courses focus on the basic subjects of mathematics and computer science as well as on electrical power engineering. On the one hand, the contents reflect or bundle the knowledge from the upper secondary school and, on the other hand, have been selected to meet the requirements at university.

The course "SOS - Self-Organised Studying" offers valuable information on topics related to studying and the university itself. It provides answers to many questions that are relevant beyond the subject of your studies, such as what rights but also obligations students have, where to turn for equal rights concerns, or what social services are available from the university and the student union.

On behalf of Graz University of Technology, the iMooX team wishes you a motivating start to your studies and lots of success!


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iMooX è LA piattaforma educativa austriaca. Non ci sono costi nascosti e tutti i corsi iMoox sono gratuiti e accessibili a tutti. Inoltre, con le licenze appropriate, i contenuti possono essere riutilizzati nelle tue lezioni, corsi o altri scenari educativi. Ciò è possibile grazie ai finanziamenti del Ministero federale dell'Istruzione, della Scienza e della Ricerca (BMBWF), attuati dall'Università di Tecnologia di Graz in collaborazione con l'Università di Vienna e i nostri numerosi partner. Che cosa stai aspettando? Registrati ora!

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