What am I actually doing here? Studying!

Serie kursów MOOC

Dr.in Brigitte Römmer-Nossek

4 Kursy

Informacje o

Are you just starting your first year at university, writing your first paper, working on your bachelor's thesis or beginning a master's programme?

The question ‘What am I doing here?’ arises for many students at some point during their studies, often when they take an important step in their academic career and face a new challenge. Each of these steps is associated with expectations that are not always clear; expectations regarding oneself, the course, the teachers and the institution.

The MOOC series focuses on important challenges during your studies and shares both the experiences of students and teachers. The idea is to provide orientation and know-how in the following phases:

  • the beginning of your studies
  • when you are writing your first paper at university
  • when you are writing your bachelor's thesis
  • when you are switching to a master's programme

The content of this MOOC series is based on preliminary group interviews with students and teachers at the University of Vienna, in which expectations and experiences were discussed. They are made available in the MOOCs.

The content of this MOOC series is generic and designed to be useful for as many fields of study as possible. You will therefore rarely find specific information or directives, but rather reflective questions and pointers to where and how you can find the information and answers relevant to your situation, or who you can contact for help.


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iMooX to UNIKALNA austriacka platforma edukacyjna. Nie ma żadnych ukrytych kosztów - wszystkie kursy na platformie iMooX są bezpłatne i każdy może z nich korzystać. Ponadto na podstawie stosownych licencji można ponownie korzystać z treści w swoich własnych lekcjach, kursach lub działaniach edukacyjnych. Realizacja projektu była możliwa dzięki finansowaniu przez Federalne Ministerstwo Edukacji, Nauki i Badań (BMBWF), a został on wdrożony przez Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Grazu we współpracy z Uniwersytetem Wiedeńskim i wieloma partnerami. Na co jeszcze czekasz? Zarejestruj się teraz!

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