

Institute of Electronics (IFE), Technical University of Graz

4 Kurssit


What are these semiconductors everyone is talking about? What makes them so special and powerful? Where are they used and how?
We provide answers to these and many more questions in our four MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) “Amplifier”, “Digital”, “Resonance” and “Power”. With a mixture of explanatory videos, additional documents, calculation, simulationand practical examples, we teach the most important topics in electronics.

In the first MOOC of our four-part series, we deal with basics of electronics. We cover diodes, bipolar transistors, MOSFETs, transistor circuits, transistor amplifiers, differential amplifiers and operational amplifiers. You should have some prior knowledge in order to understand the content. These are: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s rules, knowledge about alternating and direct currents as well as basics of electrical components (resistor, inductor, capacitor, ideal voltage and current sources).

The second MOOC dives into the digital part of electronics and explains the steps from a transistor to a digital device as well as important components in the digital domain. Topics covered include CMOS devices, multivibrators, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters and basic hardware interfaces.

The MOOC “Resonance” is about oscillations - where do they cause problems, where do they solve some and how can they be measured at all? These questions are answered in the topics Laboratory Basics, active Filters, passive Filters and Resonance Circuits.

In the last MOOC we mainly deal with different power supplies and discuss their strengths and weaknesses, also with regard to electromagnetic compatibility. The main focus in this MOOC is therefore on the topics of linear voltage regulators, switched mode supplies and the basics of electromagnetic compatibility.


Maksuton kaikille!

iMooX on se ainoa oikea itävaltalainen koulutusalusta Mitään piilotettuja kuluja ei ole, vaan kaikki iMooX-kurssit ovat ilmaisia ja kaikkien saatavilla. Lisäksi voit asianmukaisilla lisensseillä käyttää sisältöä luennoillasi, kursseillasi tai muissa koulutustilanteissa. Tämän kaiken mahdollistaa Itävallan opetus-, tiede- ja tutkimusministeriön (BMBWF) rahoitus, ja käytännön toteutuksesta vastaa Grazin teknillinen yliopisto (Technische Universität Graz, TU Graz) yhteistyössä Wienin yliopiston ja lukuisien muiden kumppaneiden kanssa. Älä odota enää! Rekisteröidy nyt!

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