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University of Vienna


14089 Participants
22 Cours
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A propos de University of Vienna

#Effective. #Since 1365.

Free Online Courses of the University of Vienna

The University of Vienna creates diverse impulses. In the field of research, it cooperates with business, culture and society. Its teaching prepares approximately 9,000 graduates each year for their professional careers and encourages them to think critically and act in a self-determined manner. The University of Vienna is one of the oldest and largest universities in Europe: 20 faculties and centers employ around 10,700 staff, including 7,500 scientists. The University of Vienna is thus the largest research institution in Austria as well as its largest educational institution: Currently, around 85,000 national and international students are enrolled; with 187 degree programs, it offers the most diverse range of courses in the country. The University of Vienna is also an important institution for continuing education. Effective. Since 1365.

 About iMooX

 iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform. We offer free and openly licensed educational content for everyone - learn anytime, anywhere.

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Gratuit et pour tous !

iMooX, c’est LA plateforme de formation autrichienne. Il n’y a aucun frais caché - tous les cours proposés sur iMooX sont gratuits et accessibles à tous. Et pour peu que vous vous procuriez les licences requises, vous pouvez aussi utiliser le contenu dans le cadre de vos propres leçons, cours ou autres contextes éducatifs. Le mérite en revient au Ministère autrichien de l’éducation, des sciences et de la recherche (BMBWF) pour le financement et à l’Université de technologie de Graz (Technische Universität Graz) en coopération avec l’Université de Vienne et nos nombreux partenaires pour l’organisation. Alors, qu’est-ce que vous attendez ? Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant !

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