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MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®


1853 Deltagare
2 Kurser
Genomsnittligt omdöme

Om MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

#WeAreMCI #studyattheTOP

Free Online Courses of MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

The MCI links together the best out of science, economy and consulting to the unique concept of an international Entrepreneurial University®. It stands for internationality, academic quality, practice orientation, innovation, close cooperation with industry, solution-oriented research and development, first-class infrastructure, a high level of customer and service orientation, and international renown. In close cooperation with loyal sponsors, promoters, and partners, MCI constitutes an essential driving force in positioning Innsbruck, Tyrol, and Austria as a whole, as a center for scientific discussion and international encounter. MCI additionally provides new impulses, strengthens the competitiveness of organizations, and makes an important contribution to the professionalization of business, management, politics, and culture. Applied research and development have top priority in fostering the innovative power of local businesses and in ensuring quality in teaching.
Why not study at the top?

 About iMooX

 iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform. We offer free and openly licensed educational content for everyone - learn anytime, anywhere.

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® online:


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Gratis och tillgängligt för alla!

iMooX är Österrikes utbildningsplattform med stort U. Det finns inga dolda kostnader – alla kurser på iMooX är gratis och tillgängliga för alla. När innehållet har rätt sorts licenser kan det dessutom återanvändas i dina lektioner, kurser eller andra utbildningsformer. Detta är möjligt tack vare finansieringen från det österrikiska förbundsministeriet för utbildning, vetenskap och forskning (BMBWF) som realiseras av Tekniska universitetet i Graz i samarbete med universitetet i Wien och våra många partners. Vad väntar du på? Registrera dig nu!

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