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University of Klagenfurt


2985 Učesnici
6 Kursevi
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O kursu

O kursu University of Klagenfurt

#per aspera ad astra #through difficulties to the stars

Free Online Courses of University of Klagenfurt

With around 1,500 employees and over 12,000 students, Klagenfurt University is located in the Alps-Adriatic region and regularly achieves excellent rankings. The motto "per aspera ad astra" expresses the claim of consistently striving for excellence in all activities in research, teaching, and university management. The principles of equality, diversity, health, sustainability, and work-life balance form the basis for working and learning at the university.

About iMooX

iMooX offers freely accessible and openly licensed online courses (Massive Open Online Courses) on various topics. They are available to all interested parties free of charge, independent of time and location. Our goal is to make university-level educational content accessible to a broad section of the population and to allow as many people as possible to further their education. Every semester, more exciting courses are added to the platform. We offer free and openly licensed educational content for everyone - learn anytime, anywhere.

University of Klagenfurt online:


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Besplatno i za svakoga!

iMooX je PRAVA austrijska obrazovana platforma. Nema skrivenih troškova – svi kursevi na iMooX-u su besplatni i pristupačni svakome. Pored toga, s odgovarajućim licencama sadržaj možeš ponovno koristiti na svojim predavanjima, kursevima ili u drugim obrazovnim scenarijima. To je moguće zahvaljujući finansiranju od strane Saveznog ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke i istraživanja (BMBWF) i provedbi od strane Tehničkog univerziteta u Grazu u saradnji s Univerzitetom u Beču (University of Vienna) i našim brojnim partnerima. Šta čekaš? Registriraj se odmah!

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