Making smart decisions proactively
Making smart decisions proactively

Making smart decisions proactively

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

FH-Prof. PD Dr. habil. Johannes Siebert


Duration 8 units
Unit 3 hours/unit
Licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Participants 1488
Availability Unlimited
Start Date 1 de enero de 2022
Costs € 0.00
Videos 8

Trailer for Making smart decisions proactively

Teaser | Smarte Entscheidungen machen richtig glücklich!

  • 1009
  • 2m35s
  • 29
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General Course Information

#lebenslangesLernen #smartEntscheiden #glücklicheresLeben #seideinesGlückesSchmied

Are you facing an important decision? Do you finally want to learn how to make smart decisions and identify all your options for action? Start now to become the architect of your own happiness through proactive and smart decision-making!

In the spirit of lifelong learning, this course is aimed at anyone who is eager to learn more about decision theory and improve their decision-making skills. There is a particular focus on career decisions, such as “what career to pursue” or “what job to choose”.

If you are facing an important decision, you can use this as your own personal case and ideally make an informed decision at the end of the course.

Your participation in the course will be confirmed with a certificate once you have completed all the units and their associated exercises. And now we hope you enjoy the MOOC “Making smart decisions proactively”!


Course Content

What can I expect from this course?

Decisions are the only way to actively influence what is important to you or your organisation.

Even if you do not make a conscious decision, you make a decision by remaining passive. You let things take their course.

It is therefore surprising that many people do not really look at how to make good decisions systematically. Current research shows that proactive, good decision-making can be trained and that it improves life satisfaction (more information at

This MOOC will help you to systematically improve your decision-making skills! In 8 units you will learn simple but effective methods for making proactive and intelligent decisions in the future.

Course Goals

What will I be able to do after completing this course?

  • Formulate decision problems correctly
  • Identify relevant goals and values
  • Structure goals correctly
  • Systematically identify the options for action that are appealing to me
  • Assess the consequences of my own options for action
  • Use evaluation to identify the best option for action
  • Articulate and aggregate your personal preferences
  • Use decision support systems correctly and with a sense of proportion
  • Act proactively in decision-making situations
  • Systematically improve decision-making skills

Previous Knowledge

What prior knowledge do I need to complete this course?

This MOOC is aimed at high school graduates, students and all those who plan to lead a happier and more self-determined life in the future through proactive decision-making. No special prior knowledge is required for this MOOC.

Course Procedure

How is the course structured?

The self-study course is divided into 8 content-based units, each centered around a 15 to 25-minute video. These interactive videos contain numerous brainteasers and thought-provoking questions. You also have the opportunity to practise the methods you have learned in self-study phases and apply them directly to an important upcoming decision.


Will I receive a certificate?

For active participation in the course, an automated certificate will be issued upon completion, which contains your user name, the course name and the units completed. It should be noted that this is simply a confirmation that the participant has answered at least 75% of the checkpoints (self-assessment questions) correctly.


Is the content of this MOOC licensed?

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 MCI/Siebert


How, what, when and where?

Before you start, we recommend that you go through the following questions:

What is the best way to approach this course?

This MOOC is a self-study course, which means that you can learn completely independent from time and place - according to your preferences and learning pace. You can watch the videos as many times as you like - this will help you to take notes, focus on specific topics that are of particular interest to you, or simply ensure knowledge transfer by listening to the input twice. It is recommended that you take the reflection tasks and exercises seriously and apply them consistently to at least one important decision-making situation of your own. This is the only way to gradually change your decision-making behavior and improve your decision-making skills in the long term.

How can I best prepare myself to pass the checkpoints (self-assessment tasks) at the end of each unit?

If you watch the videos carefully and do the work assignments you are given independently and conscientiously, you will already be very well prepared for the self-assessment tasks.

Will I receive a certificate after completing the course?

Yes, as soon as you successfully complete each checkpoint with at least 75%, you can take the final test at the end of the course. If you achieve 75% on this test as well, you will be issued with an automated certificate at the end.

Who developed the course?

This MOOC was developed by Prof. (FH) PD Dr. habil. Johannes Siebert and Ralph L. Keeney, Ph.D (Duke University) together with MCI | The Entrepreneurial School ®. The preparation of the content in terms of instructional design, media production and basic didactic processes was conceived by MCI Learning Solutions.

On Social Media

Course Instructor

FH-Prof. PD Dr. habil. Johannes Siebert
FH-Prof. PD Dr. habil. Johannes Siebert

FH-Prof. PD Dr. habil. Johannes Siebert

Johannes Siebert teaches Decision Sciences and Behavioral Economics at MCI | The Entrepreneurial School ® and is a private lecturer at the University of Bayreuth.

In his research, he investigates human and organisational decision-making behaviour and develops methods for decision-makers, from individuals to large organisations, to make better-informed decisions. He publishes his research findings in leading journals. Together with Ralph Keeney (Duke University), he extends the classic nudging approach by empowering people to be their own decision architect. This TEDx-Talk  gives a good insight into the approach underlying this course.

Johannes Siebert has more than 15 years of experience in applied decision research. He has worked on and managed research and consulting projects for national and international clients from business, politics and society.  In the project KLUGentscheiden! (, he designs and evaluates decision training for school students and supports them in particular with one of their first career decisions: “Which educational path will I take after school?" He also works on the board of the Alliance for Decision Education with leading researchers such as Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler to promote decision-making skills among young people worldwide.

Would you like to find out more about Johannes Siebert? Click here: Homepage

In collaboration with Ralph L. Keeney, Ph.D (Duke University)

Ralph Keeney specialises in the development, application and dissemination of decision-making concepts and techniques that help policy makers, governments, businesses and individuals facing important decisions to structure their choices in a logical way to promote better decision-making.

Dr. Keeney has made significant contributions to the fields of decision analysis, value-focused thinking and nudging. He applies principles of operations research, management science, and decision sciences to important and challenging decision problems. His work includes theoretical, methodological and procedural contributions to decision analysis, risk analysis and value-focused thinking and their applications. His work has been cited over 50,000 times and his books have sold over 300,000 copies worldwide.

Would you like to find out more about Ralph L. Keeney? Click here: Homepage

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MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®


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Making smart decisions proactively

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