Power System Protection
Graz University of Technology, microcredentials.at
Lothar Fickert
Course Content
Due to the enormous importance of the safe supply of electrical energy, the electrical systems for the transport and distribution of energy and power must be resilient to faults. In the event of any type of fault (loss of insulation, controller faults, external influences, ...) and for any possible fault location (line, transformer, generator, ...), suitable protection systems detect this fault as quickly as possible and selectively eliminate it.
Starting from the choice of the necessary and suitable technical procedures, their function-relevant parameters must be determined, the corresponding protection devices defined, parameterised and finally activated in order to ensure the integrity of the system.
The main content of this course is the introduction to the basic protection methods, the different protection tasks (short-circuit protection, earth fault protection, system protection, ...) and the different protection implementations (overcurrent protection, distance protection, differential protection, ...) including their settings and functionality limits. For this purpose, basic knowledge and methods as well as their handling are taught in order to gain knowledge about the typical concepts of electrical network and system protection and their implementation.
Course Goals
The participants have an overview of tasks, strategies and the usual procedures of protection in electrical power systems. They are able to design the appropriate procedures for a given type of fault and determine the functional parameters.
Concrete objectives are:
- I know the functioning of overcurrent, differential, distance, earth fault and system protection procedures.
- I can specify the function parameters and their limits and determine setting values.
- I can assess the functionality of a specific solution in a given fault scenario.
Previous Knowledge
Fundamentals of power systems, basic knowledge of the operating equipment of power systems, fundamentals of fault calculation in electrical systems.
Course Procedure
The course consists of 6 units of which 4 videos are offered weekly. The system knowledge is taught in the following order: Fault types and locations → Fault characteristics and their detection criteria → Basic procedures (overcurrent time protection, differential protection, distance protection, earth fault protection, generator/feeder protection, system protection) and their additional functionalities.
The focus is on the concept of the virtual fault sequence based on knowledge of system dynamics.
For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic confirmation of participation (certificate) which includes your username, the course title, course duration as well as the hours required to complete the course. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0
ECTS credits
This MOOC is also offered as part of the course held at TU Graz with the title "Protection and Security of Supply in Electrical Power Systems". In order to receive the corresponding ECTS for this course, the successful completion of this MOOC (75%) is strongly recommended in addition to the course examination. To do so, it is necessary to be a student of Graz University of Technology and to register for the corresponding course via TUGRAZonline.
Course at TU Graz:
Protection and Security of Supply in Electrical Power Systems - (432.122)
Important: Please register for this MOOC in any case with your eduID. This is mandatory for the certificate (confirmation of participation) to be issued.
For further details, please consult the course description or your curriculum itself, or contact the person teaching the course.
Course Instructor

Lothar Fickert
Lothar H. Fickert received his PhD at Vienna University of Technology in 1974. After international jobs with ELIN UNION and BROWN BOVERI in the field of power plants and electrical networks Mr. Fickert acquired system operation expertise with WIENSTROM as protection and utility system engineer.
As full professor and the head of the Department for Electrical Power Systems at Graz University of Technology since 1998 and as Professor emeritus since 2017 and is since 2017-10 he supervised and co-supervised 47 PhD theses. Further he authored 219 technical papers, holds 8 patents and several honors and awards.
He is specialized in transfer und distribution of electrical energy / electrical protection, safety and reliability.
His national and international activities comprise participation in Austrian, CENELEC, IEC, CIGRE, and CIRED organizations and committees.
Login & Enrol Currently: 314 Participants
Free for all € 0.00

Graz University of Technology