New National Curriculum Physics for lower secondary schools
New National Curriculum Physics for lower secondary schools
New National Curriculum Physics for lower secondary schools

New National Curriculum Physics for lower secondary schools

University of Vienna, University College of Teacher Education Vienna, University of Graz

Martin Hopf


Varaktighet 6 units
Enhet 2 hours/unit
Licens CC BY-SA 4.0
Deltagare 533
Tillgänglighet 31 augusti 2026
Startdatum 1 oktober 2023
Kostnader € 0.00

Allmän kursinformation

CPD training course on the new national curriculum for physics at lowe secondary schools.

In this mooc you will get an overview of the most important topics of the new curriculum. It includes videos, interactive exercises and quizzes.

The mooc is aimed at teachers of all school types who will teach physics at secondary level I according to the new curriculum. In addition, students of physics teaching in bachelor and master programs as well as teachers in physics education courses are invited to complete the MOOC.

The certificate of the MOOC is creditable for active teachers at the PH Vienna as in-service training.



The essentials of the new curriculum are learnt.


The participants get practicable knowledge on the essentials of the new curriculum physics.


In 10 hours you will get an introduction into the new national curriculum, its competence model and dimensions; interdisciplinary topics and the core disciplinary ideas


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0


Martin Hopf
Martin Hopf

Full Professor for Physics Education Research, Univ. of Vienna
Head of the Austrian Educational Competence Centre Physics (AECCP)

Logga in & registrera För närvarande: 533 Deltagare

Gratis för alla € 0.00


University of Vienna, University of Graz, Teacher Eduation College Vienna, Association of the Physics Teachers at AHS

University of Vienna

University of Vienna


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University of Graz

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New National Curriculum Physics for lower secondary schools

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