Ways of Thinking in Informatics
Con studio autonomo
Ways of Thinking in Informatics

Ways of Thinking in Informatics

TU Wien

Peter Purgathofer


Durata 9 units
Unità 3 hours/unit
Licenza CC BY-SA 4.0
Partecipanti 744
Disponibilità Illimitato
Data di inizio 13 ottobre 2023
Costi € 0.00
Video 38


Contenuto del corso

Course participants encounter various ways of thinking and models, implying diverse problem-solving approaches. Additionally, selected aspects of computer science history are discussed, reflecting on the role of computer science in society and addressing specific questions from this field.

Obiettivi del corso

Upon completing the course, participants will be able to...

...distinguish and name various thinking approaches and problem-solving methods in computer science.

...evaluate the suitability of different thinking approaches and problem-solving methods for various computer science problems and select appropriate ones.

...explain the need for critical thinking and reflection in designing technical systems.

...reflect critically on the content and priorities of computer science.

...formulate and discuss critical questions about the values and practices of the IT industry.

Conoscenze pregresse

While no specific prior knowledge is required, a degree of self-initiative and the ability to independently and interest-driven knowledge acquisition are necessary.

And while some of the materials and additional literature are in English, understanding German is necessary for the majority of the course.

Procedura del corso

The course consists of 8 content lessons, with each lesson focusing on a different way of thinking.

Each lesson includes:

  •  (Introductory) videos and additional materials as input
  •  (Interactive) exercises for reinforcement
  • A final quiz for self-assessment of acquired knowledge and understanding of the individual concepts
All course lessons are available at any time.


Upon course completion, active participants will receive an automated confirmation of participation, including your username, course name, duration, and effort.

Important Note: This is only a confirmation stating that the user has correctly answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions provided.


This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Note: This course will be offered for the first time on a trial basis in October 2023, primarily for testing the MOOC format and evaluating the materials. The course will be evaluated and further developed after completion, and a revised version will replace it in March 2024.

Istruttore del corso

Peter Purgathofer
Peter Purgathofer

is a associate professor at TU Wien, faculty of informatics, at the human-computer interaction group, part of the institute of visual computing and human-centered technology. His research centers around questions of the interplay between design and (software) development, especially the role and place of design in software engineering. also, he’s working in the field of »informatics and society«.

Christopher Frauenberger is a professor for HCI at the division of Human-Computer Interaction at the faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces, University of Salzburg interested in humans and digital technologies. In particular, he uses participatory design approaches to create meaningful, technological futures for diverse people in real world contexts.

Stefan Szeider is a full professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria, where he chairs the Algorithms and Complexity Group and the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms. His research  focuses on the development and analysis of efficient algorithms for problems that arise in Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning.

Alexander Egyed is a Full Professor and Chair for Software-Intensive Systems at the Johannes Kepler University, Austria (JKU). He is most recognized for his work on software and systems design – particularly on variability, consistency, and traceability.

Accesso e iscrizione Attualmente: 744 Partecipanti

Gratuito per tutti € 0.00


This MOOC was funded by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research  as part of the "eInformatics@Austria" project .

TU Wien

TU Wien


3062 Partecipanti
7 Corsi
Valutazione media


Ways of Thinking in Informatics

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4 stelle
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1 stelle