DeMOOC: Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis
DeMOOC: Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis
DeMOOC: Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis

DeMOOC: Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis

Democracy Centre Vienna

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, Stefanie Fridrik, BA BA MA and Nicola Nagy, BA MA


Varaktighet 4 units
Enhet 4 hours/unit
Licens CC BY 4.0
Deltagare 308
Tillgänglighet Obegränsad
Startdatum 30 januari 2023
Kostnader € 0.00
Videoklipp 6

Allmän kursinformation

Welcome to the in-depth course “Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis” of the Demokratie-MOOC!

You can participate in this in-depth extension independently of previous units. You will find an introductory video embedded in the first part of the Demokratie-MOOC:

What is the Demokratie-MOOC?

The Demokratie-MOOC (DeMOOC) represents a curriculum for democracy education, whereby the complete teaching and learning materials are made available. Thus, on the one hand, the MOOC serves the further education of all interested persons, multipliers, course creators, teachers or (social) educators. On the other hand, the MOOC also provides materials and methods so that participants also feel motivated and able to develop and offer courses, lessons or projects on civic education.

Who is this course aimed for?

The MOOC “Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis” is aimed at teachers and multipliers who would like to delve deeper into the topic of participation in the context of democracy education in order to integrate it into their educational work. For this purpose, the course not only offers a professional overview of forms and models of political participation – especially with reference to everyday practice – but also provides materials and methods for teaching. Thus, on the other hand, it addresses learners who want to get to know different aspects of the topic as well as concrete (political) participation possibilities.



By completing the DeMOOC, a closer understanding of democracy, politics and society on different political levels should be developed in order to strengthen one’s own access to politics and to be able to experience one’s own active part in the political system.

On the one hand, it is necessary to build up a certain basic knowledge of democracy, politics, political processes and social structures in order to be able to put this knowledge into practice and integrate it into one’s own living environment in a second step. The self-perception as active and responsible citizens is strengthened in this respect, as well as the relevant knowledge and skills expanded. This knowledge should also have a positive influence on the future course design, pedagogical work or teaching.

The in-depth course “Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis” offers participants a specialized, in-depth treatment of content from the subject area of civic education, democracy building and participation. The MOOC is based on a broad concept of participation that goes beyond conventional forms of participation such as participation in elections or instruments of direct democracy such as petitions for referendums, public opinion polls or referendums. The aim is thus to tap into different forms of participation in order to be able to perceive political participation as part of one’s own everyday practice. 


The goal of the DeMOOC is to strengthen civic education in adult education, in extracurricular and school education, but also among people generally interested. Thus, the DeMOOC is particularly suitable for multipliers, course planners, teachers, social workers, educators and for all persons interested in the topic of civic education. The programs in the “Initiative Erwachsenenbildung” as well as many other courses and offers in the range of adult education can also benefit from the DeMOOC.

In the context of the in-depth course, the participants deal with different approaches and courses of action in relation to the topics of participation and involvement. The aim is to provide the participants with comprehensive perspectives and reflections on the diverse possibilities of political and social participation in and for democracies. In this way, they are strengthened to grasp the importance of everyday cultural and political spaces of negotiation for democracy, which in turn supports their self-image as an active part of a democratically constituted society and politics. In addition to a basic factual understanding of participation processes and modalities, the participants of the MOOC also receive impulses and material for the thematization of this complex of topics in their own educational work. For this purpose, didactic basics for adult education are offered.


No previous knowledge is necessary.


The MOOC consists of four units that build on each other and offer content-related and methodological links to each other. Each unit is divided into subsections and contains explanatory video(s) and information texts as well as tasks and a didactic preparation of the topics. Each unit ends with a quiz and a discussion forum. Unit 1 represents the thematic basis and the most comprehensive lesson of the course. Unit 2 to 4 build on this and represent more in-depth content (with a lower workload).

Unit 1: On the concept of participation: Forms and models of democratic participation and involvement

Workload: approx. 5 hours

 Unit 2: Participation and Citizenship Education

Workload: approx. 3 hours

Unit 3: E-Participation: Participation formats in digital space

Workload: approx. 3 hours

Unit 4: Cultural and social participation in democracy

Workload: approx. 3 hours


For active participation in the course, upon completion, an automated certificate will be issued, which will include your username, the course name and the completed units. It should be noted that this is only a confirmation that the user has correctly answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions (multiple choice quiz) asked.


Unless otherwise indicated, the content provided in the course is made available under the following license: CC BY 4.0 Demokratiezentrum Wien. The content may be used for educational and other non-commercial purposes on the condition that the following name is cited as the source: Demokratiezentrum Wien. External linked materials, videos etc. may be excluded from the Creative Commons license. Please note the applicable regulations.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, Stefanie Fridrik, BA BA MA and Nicola Nagy, BA MA
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange, Stefanie Fridrik, BA BA MA and Nicola Nagy, BA MA

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dirk Lange is a university professor for didactics of civic education at the University of Vienna. He has headed the Demokratiezentrum Wien since 2018 and is director at the Institute for Didactics of Democracy at the University Hannover. For many years, Dirk Lange was federal chairman of the German Association for Civic Education (DVPB) and director of the Agency for Adult and Continuing Education in Lower Saxony. He has varied international experiences, among others as an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney (Australia) and as a Visiting Professor at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). His central research object is civic consciousness. His current work focuses on inclusive citizenship education, digitalization and civic education as well as global citizenship education.

Stefanie Fridrik, BA BA MA is a research associate at the Democracy Center Vienna. She conducts research in the fields of civic and cultural education, cultural policy, and critical art education. She studied art history and comparative literature at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Vienna and has also worked as an art educator in the museum and independent sector since 2018. Between 2020 and 2022 she worked as a research assistant (Prae Doc) in the research project AGONART at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Vienna. Since 2022 she is doing her PhD at the Institute for Art Education at the HFBK Hamburg and works as a research assistant at the Democracy Center Vienna. Her tasks include the conception, coordination and implementation of workshops and seminars for different target groups and the supervision of projects of democratic political education for adults in the e-learning field.

Nicola Nagy, BA MA is a research associate at the Democracy Center Vienna. She studied political science, philosophy and history at the Free University of Berlin and at Sciences Po Paris. After graduation, she worked in civic education and media education with young people and as a curator at the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum in Berlin. In 2021, she completed the Cultural Mediation course at the Institute for Cultural Concepts in Vienna. Since 2022, she has been a research assistant at the Democracy Center Vienna and at the Department of Didactics of Civic Education at the University of Vienna, where she is writing her doctoral thesis on Inclusive Citizenship Education against Social Inequality: Biographies of Viennese Youth between Experiences of Exclusion and Political Participation. Her tasks include the conception and coordination of workshops and seminars for different target groups. She is also involved in projects of democratic education for adults in the field of e-learning as well as in supporting the committee work of the FSW Client Council.

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Gratis för alla € 0.00


A MOOC developed und created by

  Demokratiezentrum Logo

The Democracy Centre Vienna is an independent scientific institution with tasks in democracy research and democracy education. Our empirical and theoretical research serves the scientific knowledge, the democratic political discourse and the transfer into educational offers. In the sense of a subject-oriented and emancipative civic education, our guiding idea in our educational offers is the promotion of citizens’ maturity and their ability to participate politically.

Content-related cooperation: Petra Kolb, MA studied Political Science and International Development at the University of Vienna and worked as a student assistant in the fields of Austrian Politics and European Politics at the Institute of Political Science. She has been working at the Democracy Center Vienna since July 2022 and will start as a PhD student in the field of Didactics of Civic Education at the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna in March 2023. Sarah Wabl, BA BEd studied Political Science as well as German, History/Civic Education and Psychology/Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Between October 2022 and January 2023 she worked as an intern at the Democracy Center Vienna and is currently completing her MEd studies at the University of Vienna.

On behalf of

 VÖV Logo

The Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers is the umbrella organization of all 256 Austrian adult education centers and one of ten associations in the Conference of Adult Education Austria, the working platform of non-profit adult education. In their more than one hundred years of history, the adult education centers have developed and implemented important and innovative offers for political and contemporary education. Democracy education is an important concern, and the Conference of Austrian Adult Education is vehemently committed to its implementation in Austrian adult education. The Democracy MOOC is made available to all actors in adult education, further education and training.

Funded by the Federal Ministery of  Education, Science and Research.


Democracy Centre Vienna

Democracy Centre Vienna

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DeMOOC: Demokratie und Partizipation – Politische Beteiligung und Teilhabe in der Alltagspraxis

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