LawBusters Easter-MOOC – FairyTales-Edition
The LawBusters, in this case; Mag. Michael Lanzinger (lawyer); Mag. Maximilian J. Modl (actor)
Trailer para LawBusters Easter-MOOC – FairyTales-Edition
Informações gerais do curso
#LawBusters, #Märchen, #RechtHumorvoll, #Rechtskommunikation
This year the traditional X-Mas-MOOC will happen on Easter and the LawBusters focus on the legal problems of fairy tales
Conteúdo do curso
- Haensel and Gretel and child welfare
- Snowwhite and the seven possible marriages
- Rapunzel in jail
Objetivos do curso
After watching the course-videos one knows the deep and sometimes dark legal truth behind these beloved fairy tales
Conhecimento prévio
Procedimento do curso
A video per week with MC-questions and topics for discussion
For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
Nas redes sociais
Instrutor do curso
The LawBusters, in this case; Mag. Michael Lanzinger (lawyer); Mag. Maximilian J. Modl (actor)
Founded by Mag.a. Ingrid Saueressig, Mag. Maximilian Modl und Mag. Michael Lanzinger and then completed by Mag. Alexander Utz-Ferner, the LawBustes try to explain the law in a funny way. To do this, no example is to absurd. And sometimes they even post something on Facebook or their website https://www.lawbusters.at. Also the now have their own Podcast with LawBusters: SPOILER ALERT - https://lawbusters-spoileralert.podigee.io
Iniciar sessão e inscrever-se Atualmente: 112 Participantes
Gratuito para todos € 0.00
