Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching
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Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching

Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching

FH St. Pölten

University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

Informacje o

Czas trwania 6 units
Jednostka kursu 4 hours/unit
Licencja CC BY 4.0
Uczestnicy 270
Dostępność Nieograniczony
Data rozpoczęcia 5 września 2022
Koszt € 0.00

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Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching Trailer |

  • 67
  • 2m04s
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#designthinkinghe; #fhstp; #eudres: #designthinking; #iMooX

This English-language MOOC is aimed at people who want to apply the basic principles, methods and mindset of design thinking in various educational settings. It is aimed at university teachers and researchers from all disciplines as well as people working in various areas of adult education, vocational training and internal training in institutions or companies. 

The MOOC will first provide an introduction to the methodology as well as an overview of what is important when applying it in different educational settings. Then the participants are invited to follow the steps Empathize, Define, Ideate and Iterate based on background information about them and to implement them themselves. A variety of methods that can be used in dialogue with learners will also be introduced.  

In total, you will spend a maximum of 25 hours (1 ECTS), with the focus on doing it yourself, experiencing the Design Thinking approach in educational settings.

#designthinkinghe, #fhstp, #eudres, #designthinking, #imoox 


Treść kursu

  • Introduction to Design Thinking
  • Design Thinking in educational settings
  • Empathize
  • Define
  • Ideate
  • Iterate

Cele kursu

Participants get access to basic information on Design Thinking, various descriptions of methods and experience a Design Thinking process. After that, they are able to...

  • explain Design Thinking in one sentence / be able to give a short presentation on it
  • have an overview of the origin of the concept
  • have ideas why they should use DT in teaching and what "effects" it can have
  • summarize an overview of where else DT is used
  • to use DT in different didactical settings online, offline and hybrid
  • to apply principles and methods of Design Thinking to different didactic designs
  • to decide which DT methods they can select / adapt in different learning phases
  • accompany students in such a way that they know the process of DT and can apply it

Add your individual learning goals!


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

W mediach społecznościowych

Osoba prowadząca kurs

University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

The MOOC “Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching” was produced by the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences   and partly funded by E³UDRES²

Team St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences: FH-Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Kerstin Blumenstein; Nicolas Cuturello  (Production of the videos); Thomas Delissen, MSc; Dr. Mag. Christian F. Freisleben; Mag. Doris Kantauer; Peter Szuszkiewicz  (Production  and editing of the videos), Mag. Christina Tanzer, MLS; Julia Warner MAEd; 

Special thanks to Ramona Mauthner, BA for her graphic expertise!

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FH St. Pölten

FH St. Pölten

273 Uczestnicy
1 Kursy
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Applying Methods and Mindset of Design Thinking in Higher Education Teaching

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