Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online
University for Continuing Education Krems
Asst.-Prof. Dr. Anna Kaiser
Trailer for Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online
General Course Information
#culturalheritageprotection #climatechange #culturallandscapes
online is an EU co-funded project within the Erasmus+ programme, led by the Center for Cultural Property Protection of the
University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria. It translates
state-of-the-art research on climate change and cultural heritage protection
into distance and blended learning programmes for higher education learners.
project is fully in line with the current challenge of high-quality online
teaching (the importance was highlighted during the COVID-19 lockdowns all over
the world) and the current European incentives to mitigate climate change &
to sustainably protect cultural heritage from the threats that this change
2020 the Croatian Presidency of the Council of European Union named cultural
heritage protection in climate change as #1 priority. Cultural heritage is
exposed to a number of risks in the 21st century, comparatively analyzed by the
2018 study on Safeguarding cultural heritage from natural and man-made
disasters and highlighted by the joint EUUNESCO Initiative#7 “Heritage at risk”
as well as ICOMOS, which in 2019 put a focus on engaging cultural heritage in
climate action.
the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018, the European Framework for
Action on Cultural Heritage names the holistic approach to the topic as one of
the four principles for success and highlights the importance of cultural
heritage as a resource for the future.
project’s main output, this online course on cultural heritage protection in
climate change, promotes cultural heritage as exactly that resource &
enables higher education teachers and learners to build their personal future
on our common pasts.
Course Content
In a total of 4 units, CHePiCC online brings cultural heritage (tangible, movable or immovable, but also intangible) back into society & fosters the understanding of its importance, its shared values & identities, covering the following topics:
- Protection of Cultural Heritage
- Climate Change
- Cultural Landscapes
- Preparatory Measures for the Protection of Cultural & Natural Landscapes
and Sites
Course Goals
The main
and long-term aim of this project is to bring heritage back into teaching and
learning in higher education, to enable future generations to protect cultural
This is
intended to contribute to the preservation of cultural identity and to initiate
a change in behavior with regard to the protection of cultural heritage,
especially in the (future) professional life of students and teachers at
universities. This
inclusive, modular and transdisciplinary learning programme enables higher
education learners to include in their professional lives all necessary
disciplines for
- enhancing climate protection means
- preparing cultural landscapes and their built heritage for the immediate effects of climate change and natural catastrophes
- doing
the same for movable cultural heritage
Previous Knowledge
No previous
experience is required for participation. Course held in English.
Course Procedure
CHePiCC online consists of 4 units divided into several thematic lessons. Each lesson deals in depth with the respective topic. Numerous international experts from various fields of cultural property protection present their lectures in short video units. The positive completion of quizzes is a prerequisite for unlocking subsequent lessons.
For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
The certificate can be extended to 6 ECTS with a written paper. These can be combined into a Master's degree as part of our Stackable Program. Further information and contact: Center for Cultural Property Protection - CHePiCC online, MCP
This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Course Instructor

Asst.-Prof. Dr. Anna Kaiser
Asst.-Prof. Dr. Anna Kaiser is a specialist in the field of cultural heritage protection. In 2013 she received her doctorate sub auspiciis praesidentis at the University of Vienna with a thesis on the Roman military. Since 2015 she has been a researcher for cultural property protection at University for Continuing Education Krems and has ever since played a significant role in the establishment and international positioning of the Center for Cultural Property Protection, of which she has been head since 2023. As such she acts as coordinator for several EU projects on cultural heritage protection, climate change, preservation and sustainable use of cultural heritage. Anna Kaiser teaches and holds lectures for national and international audiences on the broad topic of cultural property protection and emphasizes the particular importance in creating sustainable as well as feasible interfaces between civil stakeholders, various emergency services and especially the military.
Login & Enrol Currently: 320 Participants
Free for all € 0.00
The necessary holistic approach to the wide topic of cultural heritage protection is ensured by the transdisciplinary composition of the project's partnership, which holds expertise in cultural property protection, cultural landscapes, climatology and climate change, structural engineering, material handling, preparedness measures, heritage sciences, conservation and restoration. The CHePiCC online project consortium, consisting of four European universities and two research institutions, is well balanced in expertise and due to their geographical distribution, well represent the diverse areas/climate zones of Europe:
- University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) [Austria] - expertise in cultural heritage protection, preparedness measures for movable heritage, collaboration with emergency responders in cultural heritage protection, cultural landscapes, especially in Central Europe and preparedness measures
- Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ITAM) [Czech Republic] - expertise in maintenance and preparedness measures for built heritage and in the evaluation of climate change effects on building fabrics with deeper insights on structural safety, damage and vulnerability assessment and performance analysis of historic building materials (in particular masonry, mortars and stones, wood)
- Technical and Natural Science University of Norway (NTNU) [Norway] - expertise in cultural landscapes, especially in Northern Europe, monitoring of climate change effects, preparedness measures which include energy efficiency and sustainable options for built cultural heritage (especially wooden buildings) and cultural landscapes
- Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council (CNR-ISAC) [Italy] - expertise in climate change, preparedness measures for heritage assets outdoor (statues, monumental complexes, archaeological sites, pollution impact) and cultural landscapes, especially in Southern Europe
- University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) [Spain] - expertise in cultural landscapes, mitigation measures for cultural landscapes affected by climate change and distance learning in higher education
- University of Applied Arts Vienna (UAA) [Austria] - expertise in preventive conservation, conservation-restoration and preparedness measures for monuments and collections
All partners are active in state-of-the-art research conducted in current high-profile research projects and thus guarantee a research-based approach to their content.