The Discrete Element Method: Advanced Topics
The Discrete Element Method: Advanced Topics

The Discrete Element Method: Advanced Topics

Graz University of Technology

Stefan Radl


Duration 6 units
Unit 2 hours/unit
Licence CC BY 4.0
Participants 45
Availability 31. december 2025
Start Date 10. marec 2025
Costs € 0.00

Trailer for The Discrete Element Method: Advanced Topics

The Discrete Element Method: Advanced Topics - The Trailer

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  • 1m43s
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General Course Information

#imoox, #DEM, #engineering, #chemicalengineering, #particle, #simulation, #multiphysics

The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is an established method to predict the flow of particles, and fluid-particle mixtures. Also, this method has been proven to be useful in a plurality of multiphysics applications, e.g., for thermal processes or in modeling the comminution of particles. Nowadays, the DEM is an essential part of many workflows to study processes in engineering, as well as phenomena in nature.
But how did the DEM achieve to be so successful in a variety of applications? Which features should be part of a DEM simulation tool to make it ready for applications beyond classical granular flow? This MOOC provides a course on advanced topics related to the DEM, that will guide you to answer these questions!


Course Content

In this MOOC we cover advanced topics related to the DEM. The ultimate goal is to provide a deeper understanding of the features that make a typical DEM-based simulation tool successful in a variety of applications. Simulation examples, as well as quizzes are provided to guide students already familiar with the DEM thru more advanced topics ranging from polydispersity to a plurality of multiphysics applications.
The course is divided into six units that are grouped as follows:
  • Introduction to the Advanced Usage of DEM (Unit 1)
  • Postprocessing and Benchmarking (Unit 2)
  • Non-spherical Particles (Unit 3)
  • Polydispersity (Unit 4)
  • CFD-DEM and Multiphysics Applications (Unit 5)
  • Flexible Particles and Structures (Unit 6)

Course Goals

After attending this MOOC, the participants should be able to...
  • ... deeply understand the output of DEM-based simulation and make advanced interpretations.
  • ... judge the feasibility of performing DEM-based simulations for a range of (multiphysics) applications. Such applications may involve (i) extreme particle deformation or even particle breakage, (ii) heat transfer, or (iii) segregation phenomena.

Previous Knowledge

Students are expected to have completed the course “Fundamentals of the Discrete Element Method“, or a similar course that covers DEM fundamentals.

Course Procedure

Each unit is structured as follows:
  • an introductional video lays the foundations of each unit.
  • one or more videos with interactive questions form the core of each teaching unit
  • these videos are followed by self-assessment quizes to check the knowledge gained. In order to obtain the MOOC certificate for a specific unit, at least 75% of the points must be achieved in each of these quizzes.

Hand outs (PDFs) are provided to help the students in taking notes, as well as to underline key learning concepts.

For the particularly motivated, we offer additional material: For example, these are more complex questions and calculations, or larger simulation examples. Worked out examples of this additional material can be handed in to collect the credits for the accompanying TU Graz course of Prof. Radl.

Participants are encouraged to raise questions in the accompanying forum. These can (and should!) be answered by both the course creators and the participants.


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


The teaching material for this MOOC is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Note that some video material might be covered by a different license - this is mentioned at the end of such a video.

Collect ECTS credits with this MOOC!

You can also collect credits within the “European Credit Transfer System” (ETCS) when successfully participating in this MOOC! Contact the course instructor for a list of project studies (including bachelor, master, or phd thesis projects) in which you can benefit from badges collected in this MOOC!

Course Instructor

Stefan Radl
Stefan Radl
Stefan holds a PhD in chemical engineering from Graz University of Technology (TU Graz). During his PhD and post-doc studies he developed and used DEM-based simulators, as well as associated post-processing tools. Since 2018 he is an Associate Professor at TU Graz, where he holds a venia docendi for the subject “particle technology”. His interest is in connecting different simulation tools for particulate and suspensions flows, as well as applying them to challenges faced by the chemical industry.

Login & Enrol The course starts on 10. marec 2025. Currently: 45 Participants

Free for all € 0.00


  • DCS Computing (Austria)
  • eScience Center (Netherlands)
  • Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Austria)
  • Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (Austria)
  • University of Navarra (Spain)
  • University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Graz University of Technology

Graz University of Technology


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