Decarbonisation and Sustainability Management: The way to a zero-emissions company
Decarbonisation and Sustainability Management: The way to a zero-emissions company
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Decarbonisation and Sustainability Management: The way to a zero-emissions company

Decarbonisation and Sustainability Management: The way to a zero-emissions company

Graz University of Technology,

Experts of TU Graz

Informacje o

Czas trwania 10 units
Jednostka kursu 2 hours/unit
Licencja CC BY 4.0
Uczestnicy 332
Dostępność Nieograniczony
Data rozpoczęcia 5 stycznia 2024
Koszt € 0.00

Ogólne informacje o kursie

The EU's Green Deal with the goal of climate neutrality is now finally taking companies to task and creating pressure to act and innovate in the economy as a whole and in industry in particular. The current situation in companies can be described as follows:

Many companies have already set individual measures for more sustainability, but they lack an overview.

The majority of companies do not yet have an ongoing climate assessment.

Up to now, the focus has often been on energy, not on climate (including aspects such as green supply chain, etc.).

Climate protection is currently often located in one department, but is not practised across departments.

In order to be able to perceive the associated "change" challenges as opportunities in the direction of competitive advantage, managers in particular are also called upon to acquire fundamental knowledge in the fields of action relevant to the decarbonisation of companies, such as energy & green production (products and services), sustainable buildings, operational mobility, and to deal in depth with the issues of sustainability and change management.


Treść kursu

In the MOOC, participants acquire an overview of relevant areas of zero carbon management in companies. In a total of 10 units, the following topics are covered in an overview and introductory manner.

Starting with a general overview lesson on the entire MOOC, two of the lessons introduce the topic of sustainability management. The two lessons of the MOOC that deal with the topic of sustainability deal with and look specifically at the following aspects of sustainability management:

What does sustainability mean?

  • Definition of terms and Sustainable Development Goals
  • SDGs and companies

What does sustainability management mean, what is its scope?

  • Waste, energy and mobility management
  • Environmental and carbon management
  • Sustainability management

Environmental management systems and sustainability reporting

  • Environmental management systems: EMAS and ISO 14001
  • Sustainability report
  • Legal requirements and standards: GRI, CSRS/ESRS
  • Supply chain responsibility

What does climate neutrality mean for companies?

  • Definition, legal framework and ISO 140684

Greenhouse gas balance

  • Greenhouse Gases (GHG), Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • ISO 14064-1, ISO 14069
  • Scope 1,2, and 3
  • Upstream and downstream emissions
  • Emission factors, databases
  • Methods and tools

Carbon management

  • Organisation, targets and sub-targets
  • Backcasting and roadmapping: measures and bundles of measures, waterfall diagrams
  • Control, audit/evaluation, reporting
  • ISO 14068 and SBTi

Further lessons deal with the topics in an overview:

  • Energy & Green Production (4 lessons)
  • Operational Mobility (2 lessons)
  • Sustainable buildings (1 lesson)

Cele kursu

After completing the MOOC, participants will be able to...

decarbonisation fields of action:
Describe the most important fields of action of decarbonisation as well as their challenges.

Environmental and sustainability management:
Implement a modern environmental and sustainability management system in their company that is oriented towards the SDGs and complies with EMAS and ISO 14000.

Sustainability reporting:
Develop sustainability reporting in your company that is oriented towards the GRI and complies with European law.

Greenhouse gas balance:
Develop a complete, GHG Protocol-compliant greenhouse gas balance sheet for their company.

Carbon Management:
Understand the crucial tools for carbon management and apply them in their own company (backcasting, package-based decarbonisation roadmap, setting of intermediate and partial targets, monitoring, GHG budget)

Wymagana wiedza wstępna

The MOOC "Decarbonisation & Sustainability Management: The Way to a Climate-Neutral Company" addresses those persons in the company who would like to analyse, explain, initiate or control operational decarbonisation projects and aspire to competence in sustainability management as a specialist or manager, e.g. project manager, quality engineer, business economist and comparable qualifications.

The course is particularly suitable for professionals from the following sectors

  • Industry, R&D
  • Consulting services
  • Trade and logistics
  • Energy industry

Procedura kursu

The MOOC is divided into 10 modules (units). In week one, unit 1 and 2 are published; in week 2, units 3-5; in week 3, units 6-7; in week 5, units 8-10. Each unit contains instructional videos, accompanying online material, interactions and a self-assessment to check the learning material.
The online course is accompanied by a forum in which teachers exchange information with learners or learners exchange information with each other.
Synchronous phases are not planned here so that learners can work through content at their own pace.


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Option to take part in a microcredentials programme

This online course is part of a microcredential programme, offered in cooperation with the organisational unit LifeLongLearning at TU Graz. More information:

Osoba prowadząca kurs

Experts of TU Graz

in alphabetical order:

Ass.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. phil. Günter Getzinger heads the Science, Technology and Society Unit (STS) at Graz University of Technology. He teaches environmental management, sustainable technology design, technology and ethics, and technology policy. His research focuses on the sustainability transition of socio-technical systems, in particular the mobility and energy systems, on strategies for climate neutrality, on technology assessment and on ethics in science and technology.


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Franz Haas heads the Institute of Manufacturing Technology (IFT) at Graz University of Technology and is Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Economics. His research focuses on precision manufacturing, 3D printing of metals and plastics, industrial robotics and e-mobility production methods. In the smartfactory@tugraz he creates framework conditions for the further development of solutions for digital transformation in manufacturing and conducts research on the energy-efficient machine tool. He is convinced that circular economy can only become reality through radical innovation in product design and through highly automated "de-assembling".


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Viktor Hacker heads the Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology (CEET) at Graz University of Technology. He teaches on the topics of renewable energy systems, energy storage, electrochemical and electro-technical process engineering, fuel cells and hydrogen. His research focuses on electrochemical energy technologies and hydrogen-based systems for the realisation of sustainable mobility, highly efficient power generation and environmentally friendly raw material supply for industry.


Associate Prof. Dr. Mario Hirz is deputy head of the Institute of Automotive Engineering at TU Graz. He teaches and conducts research at TU Graz, Tongji University in Shanghai and is a visiting professor at universities in Europe, Asia and North America. His research topics include sustainable passenger and freight transport, technologies for future mobility, alternative drives, mechatronic systems and computer-aided development.


Assoc.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Marlene Kienberger heads the Biorefinery working group at Graz University of Technology. She teaches thermal separation processes and biorefinery. In her research she mainly deals with the extended material use of renewable resources before their energetic use. A significant part of her research deals with the isolation of valuable materials that are produced in side streams of the biobased industry.


Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Thomas Kienberger has been Professor and Head of the Department of Energy Verbund Technology at the University of Leoben since 2014. He is an expert in integrated energy systems for public energy supply and industry. The focus of his research and teaching is on interdisciplinary, systemic approaches to integrating renewable energy and increasing overall systemic energy efficiency. Since 2018, Thomas Kienberger has been a member of the steering group of the flagship region New Energy For Industry - NEFI and head of the NEFI_lab. He is an innovator and networker in the energy community in Austria and beyond.


Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Helmuth Kreiner is deputy head of the Sustainable Construction Working Group at the Institute for Structural Design at Graz University of Technology. Scientifically, Mr Kreiner focuses on the systemic assessment and optimisation of the sustainability of construction products, buildings and their associated processes. Since 2019, he has been coordinating the Agenda 2030 Target SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) for TU Graz as part of a national research cooperation of Austrian universities (project "UniNEtZ" - Universities and Sustainable Development Goals) in the development of an options report for the Austrian federal government.


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Alexander Passer, MSc. is Professor for Sustainable Building at the Graz University of Technology. He heads a working group and the university course "Sustainable Building". His research focuses on the operationalisation of sustainability in construction, life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), multi-criteria decision models (MCDM) and building information modelling (BIM). He is also on the board of the Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA), the climate research network Austria.


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Bezpłatny dla wszystkich € 0.00


This course is funded by the FFG (FFG project no. 893605)
The project "DeCarb" is an Innovation Camp M within the framework of the qualification offensive of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy.

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Graz University of Technology

Graz University of Technology


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Decarbonisation and Sustainability Management: The way to a zero-emissions company

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