SOS MOOC - Self-Organised Studying (2024/25)
SOS MOOC - Self-Organised Studying (2024/25)
SOS MOOC - Self-Organised Studying (2024/25)

SOS MOOC - Self-Organised Studying (2024/25)

Graz University of Technology

Service points of TU Graz and external experts

Qui som

Durada 6 units
Unitat 2 hours/unit
Llicència CC BY 4.0
Participants 227
Disponibilitat Il·limitat
Data inicial 1 d’agost 2024
Preu € 0.00

Informació general del curs

#sos #selbstorganisiertstudieren #studienstart #tugraz

Dear first-year student, dear prospective student!

You are about to start studying or you are thinking about starting a study programme. Or perhaps you have already finished one or two semesters but you still have a lot of questions. Beginning to study at a university marks the beginning of a new phase in your life that can bring new challenges. Sometimes, it may even feel like you want to call for help: SOS!

This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) helps you start your studies well prepared. Some of the contents are specifically designed for first-year students at TU Graz, while others are of a general nature and are aimed at all first-year students.

This course, developed in cooperation with students, lecturers, experts on corresponding topics and the student union of TU Graz, is an addition to existing offers like the Welcome Days or First-Year Tutorials and is not meant to replace them. The contents help you to familiarise yourself with some of the basics around the start of your studies. Of course, you can listen to or read them at any time and use them as a reference guide for the start of your studies if you get stuck.


Contingut del curs

This course consists of 6 units covering the following topics:

  • service points, terms related to studying, rights and obligations
  • social get-togethers and offers, networking at the university
  • scientific conduct, plagiarism, literature reserach
  • managing your time, avoiding stress, studying and motivation strategies
  • diversity, equality, experiences abroad

Objectius del curs

1x1Unit 1 - University 101:  After completing this unit, you know the most important service points for the beginning of your studies and beyond and you know where to get which information. You know your rights and obligations as a student and can refer to the correct service points in case you need more information.

vernetzenUnit 2 - Networking at University: After completing this unit, you know several offers for networking and getting to know other students with your same interests and needs. You know a couple of service points which can help you if you have any questions on university life or life in Graz.

rechercheUnit 3 - Dos and Don'ts at University: After completing this module, you are able to find sources for your scientific works and you are able to use the university library search to find fitting publications. You know what to look for in online sources, what plagiarism is and which consequences it can have.

zeitmanagementUnit 4 - Managing your time and coping with stress: After completing this unit, you know how to set yourself goals and priorities in your studies. You know some strategies to plan the semester, identify personal wastes of time and reduce them, motivate yourself and deal with stress related to your studies.

lernenUnit 5 - Learning and Motivational Strategies: After completing this module, you know about different learning types and you know which type you belong to. You know various learning strategies such as the Loci technique and mind maps and you are able to reflect on which of them fit your learning type.

feel goodUnit 6 - Feel good @ TU Graz: After completing this unit, you will know how TU Graz promotes togetherness in order to facilitate the "feel good" in your studies. Besides that, you get to know where to turn to if you have any questions on studying abroad or if you have any issues regarding discrimination and equality.

Coneixements previs

To take part in this MOOC, it is not necessary to have any specific prior knowledge. The course is aimed at first-year students and also pupils at schools who are about to graduate and are interested in studying at TU Graz. Individual units may also be of interest to students in higher semesters (e.g. time management strategies).

Funcionament del curs

This course consists of six units on various topics (see course contents and learning goals). You can take part in this course in your own time as it is a self-study MOOC, and pick and choose the order in which you complete the units. You can watch the videos, do the activities and quizzes and write in the forum whenever you have time.

It is also possible to only complete a few units. You will see all the completed units on your certificate.


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your name, the course name as well as the completed units. Only fully completed units are listed on the certificate. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0.  Any deviation from this license is mentioned directly in the respective material or on the respective page.


Do I have to create an iMooX account to take part in this course?
If you are already registered at an Austrian university, you can choose "eduID" at the login, then choose your university and use your credentials for the login.

Are there times when I have to be online for the lessons?
No, for now this course is a self-study course. A new unit is made available each week, and you can work on it whenever you have time.

I missed the start of the course. Can I still join?
Yes, you can start the course whenever.

Can I only do one or two units?
Of course, you can only complete the units which are interesting to you. On your certificate you will find the units you have completed.

Is the MOOC available in other languages?
The videos are available in German, but there are English subtitles and transcripts. Texts in the MOOC are also available in English.

Can I take part in the course with my smartphone?
Yes, iMooX also works on your smartphone.

Professor/a del curs

Service points of TU Graz and external experts
The organisational team:

Hannes Müller is employed at the Organisational Unit Higher Education and Programme Development at TU Graz.

Sarah Edelsbrunner is employed at the Organisational Unit Educational Technology at TU Graz.

Experts who have provided content for the course:

Barbara Böttger is employed at the International Office - Welcome Center at TU Graz.

Armanda Pilinger works at the Office for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity at TU Graz.

Michaela Krenn works at the Office of the Working Group for Equal Opportunity at TU Graz.

Carmen Schrotter-Stadlauer works at the service point for Accessible Learning at TU Graz.

Melanie Graf-Mandl also works at the service point Accessible Learning.

Andrea Tschirf is a career coach and trainer.

Karin Sonnleitner works at the Center for Social Competence at the University of Graz.

Gerlinde Maxl works at the library and archive of TU Graz.

Michaela Zottler works at the library and archive of TU Graz.

Martin Ebner is the head of the organisational unit Educational Technology at TU Graz.

Martin Heider is the chairperson of the Student Union of TU Graz (HTU).

Inicieu sessió i registreu-vos Actualment: 227 Participants

Gratuït per a tothom € 0.00


Graz University of Technology

Graz University of Technology


19148 Participants
62 Cursos
Valoració mitjana


SOS MOOC - Self-Organised Studying (2024/25)

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