EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung
EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung
EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung

EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung




Duration 5 units
Unit 4 hours/unit
Licence CC BY 4.0
Participants 1505
Availability 28 فبراير 2025
Start Date 19 سبتمبر 2023
Costs € 0.00

Trailer for EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung

Teaser EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung | iMooX.at

  • 237
  • 1m19s
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General Course Information

The EBmooc 2023 contains the latest insights, answers to current questions, new resources and helpful recommendations on digital adult education. Participants get to know new technologies and tools, extend their media literacy, address innovative educational formats and receive a prospect on future trends.

The course is aimed at adult educators from various organizations, different forms of employment and diverse focus areas: training, teaching and education, educational management and programme planning, learning guidance and advice.

This MOOC is a course for people, who like to choose, when and where to learn – and who appreciate to exchange ideas together!


Course Content

Participants will be up-to-date on the following topics of digital adult education:

  • Tools and technologies
  • Media literacy in the digital world
  • Formats and educational management
  • Future trends and continuing learning

Previous Knowledge

The free MOOC addresses adult educators in teaching, training and educational management. Requirements for your participation are (in addition to know how in adult education) basic knowledge of the most common internet-applications, including communication in forums.

Course Procedure

  • 5 units in 5 weeks (workload approx. 4 hours each)
  • Starting from 09/19/2023 each week one unit will be released
  • Each unit contains two short videos, additional working material, an assignment and a short test for (self-)assessment.
  • Additionally, a forum will be provided to discuss the course topics
  • Various types of webinars are also offered to accompany the course
  • All material is licensed as Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) and can be reused further on
  • The course will be available as a self-study course after the initial guided period

On the project website of the EBmooc 2023 you will find further information about the course. Common questions about the courses of the brand EBmooc are answered in the FAQ-section. If you do not find an answer there, the EBmooc-team is available for your requests, feedback and complaints at ebmooc@conedu.com.


If you want to receive a certificate, you have to register on iMooX with your correct name, enter your name in the course profile and successfully complete the short tests of all units. Each test can be repeated several times and you will receive automated feedback to your answers. Partial certificates for individual units are also provided. Badges (digital learning badges) additionally serve as proof of your participation in each unit. The badges are issued, when the test in the respective unit has been passed successfully.

The EBmooc 2023 is accredited with 1 ECTS (wba) and can be recognised at the wba certificate for media competence.


All course materials are made available under the open Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0). This allows you to reuse, adapt and redistribute all parts of the videos, working materials, assignments and test questions – even beyond the duration of the course.

When using course materials please credit: EBmooc 2023CC BY 4.0 CONEDU on iMooX.

This excludes external links and individually labelled materials including PR-materials of the EBmooc 2023.

Please also take note of the general terms and conditions of CONEDU (in German).

Educational concept and design

The EBmooc 2023 is designed as an xMOOC. This means, that the course has a clear structure, materials (videos, texts) are provided for self-study. During the guided period in 2023 there will also be various possibilities to exchange with each other and with the lecturers (discussion forum, webinars). Exclusive individual support cannot be provided.

Each unit of the course consists of two introductory videos, additional working material, specific exercises and a short quiz at the end of the unit to assess your knowledge and understanding of concepts.

The contents are best designed to meet adult educators’ needs in teaching, training and educational management.

Advisory Groups

This MOOC is accompanied by various types of webinars and is supported by group meetings (advisory groups).

If you plan an accompanying offer yourself, feel free to contact us at ebmooc@conedu.com. In this case we will be happy to support you in promoting and implementing your offer.

Accompanying webinars

During the guided period in 2023 several webinars of different types will be offered. These webinars are open to participants and cooperation partners and serve to reflect on and deepen the knowledge of the course topics and to exchange experiences. Webinar dates: 09/21; 09/28; 10/4; 10/12; 10/18 (each starting at 4:30 pm).

Announcements and recordings of these webinars can be found in the respective units of the course. Additionally, the recordings are available on the YouTube-channel of erwachsenenbildung.at.

Course Instructor


Dr.in Birgit Aschemann (CONEDU) – coordinates and heads the EBmooc 2023

Karin Lamprecht, MSc MA (CONEDU) – realizes the EBmooc 2023 with her profound knowledge as a media educator

Mag.a Martina Lindsberger (CONEDU) – realizes the EBmooc 2023 with her experience in management

Gunter Schüßler, BA MA (CONEDU) – realizes the EBmooc 2023 with a focus on media literacy

DI (FH) Martina Süssmayer (CONEDU) – supports the EBmooc 2023 on issues of media technology

Login & Enrol Currently: 1505 Participants

Free for all € 0.00


The EBmooc 2023 is a cooperation project of

  • CONEDU – Verein für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsmedien
  • ARGE Bildungshäuser Österreich
  • Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
  • Technische Universität Graz / OE Lehr- und Lerntechnologien
  • Virtuelle Pädagogische Hochschule

The EBmooc 2023 is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.




1510 Participants
1 Courses
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EBmooc 2023: Ihr Update zur Online-Erwachsenenbildung

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