#MeKoMOOC20: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre
#MeKoMOOC20: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre
#MeKoMOOC20: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre

#MeKoMOOC20: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre

University of Innsbruck

Ortrun Gröblinger, Martin Ebner, Marlis Schedler, Thomas Schroffenegger, Stefan Schmid, Gerhard Brandhofer, Klaus Miesenberger, Elke Höfler


Duration 6 units
Unit 4 hours/unit
Licence CC BY 4.0
Participants 984
Availability Unlimited
Start Date 1 October 2019
Costs € 0.00

Trailer for #MeKoMOOC20: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre

[Teaser] MekoMOOC20

  • 260
  • 2m09s
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Course Content

This MOOC deals with the key aspects of acquiring media competences. It covers the definition of the term, as well as different application scenarios of new media in education and associated challenges in applied didactics, embedded in the legal framework and the effect of media in practice. A combination of theory and practical examples stimulates a critical examination of digital media and web-based teaching and learning. The contents are aimed at teaching staff, students of any subject, prospective teachers, as well as anyone interested in the subject matter.

Course Goals

Upon successful completion of this MOOC

  • you will be familiar with the terms of media informatics, media didactics, media law, media effectiveness, and media use, and will be able to explain them. 
  • you will have encountered a variety of practical examples, which you will be able to adapt and apply to your own particular situations.

More detailed learning objectives for each unit can be found in the respective module descriptions.

Previous Knowledge


Course Procedure

The course contains six modules covering the following topics:

  • Introduction
  • Media informatics: Software, applications and programs for teaching
  • Media didactics: Core functions of media-supported didactics
  • Media law: Copyright law and free educational resources
  • Media effectiveness: Effect of media, security
  • Media use: Communication tools, collaboration, knowledge management, etc.


Upon successful completion of the course, an automated certificate of participation stating your user name, the course title, the duration of the course and the required time effort will be issued for active participation. Please note that this is just a confirmation stating that the user has answered at least 75% of the self-testing questions correctly.


This work is licensed under a CC - Creative Commons licence

Course Instructor

Ortrun Gröblinger, Martin Ebner, Marlis Schedler, Thomas Schroffenegger, Stefan Schmid, Gerhard Brandhofer, Klaus Miesenberger, Elke Höfler
Ortrun Gröblinger, Martin Ebner, Marlis Schedler, Thomas Schroffenegger, Stefan Schmid, Gerhard Brandhofer, Klaus Miesenberger, Elke Höfler

DI (FH) Ortrun Gröblinger works as head of department for the Department of New Media and Learning Technologies at Innsbruck University. Since March 2016 she has also been deputy head of the University's Central Information Technology Services. Born in Vienna, she completed her initial studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg/Upper Austria in the "Engineering for Computer-based Learning" programme. She further completed her career-integrated studies of "Higher Education and Knowledge Management" at the Danube University of Krems with a Master's thesis on the "Effects of using and creating Open Educational Resources on students at Austrian universities". Since 2010 she has been actively involved in the committee of the Austrian association Verein Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria.

Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. techn. Martin Ebner lectures and researches as a habilitated education information scientist on issues concerning technology-supported teaching and learning, often referred to simply as e-learning.  Thereby, he puts particular emphasis on mobile learning, the impact of social media and learning analytics, and is a keen advocate of open educational resources. Besides actively participating in national and international panels he is also deeply involved in shaping educational and higher education in Austria. In line with his motto ("Making education accessible"), he is one of the founding fathers of the iMooX platform. Besides this project, he is widely recognised in German-speaking countries for his coursebook L3T (http://l3t.eu), which was the first of its kind to be freely accessible.

Mag. (FH) Stefan Schmid, BEd is head of the University College of Virtual Teacher Education VPH (www.virtuelle-ph.at), co-founder of the Flipped Classroom Austria initiative (www.flipped-classroom-austria.at), university teacher and lecturer on eDidactics, Digital Innovations in Education, eLearning and Financial Literacy for university colleges of education, universities of applied sciences and companies. Diploma studies in Social Work (in urban settings) at the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, bachelor's degree in Information and Communication Pedagogy at the Institute for Vocational Education at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna, online-tutor training at the University College of Virtual Teacher Education VPH, certified Moodle-trainer,
Twitter: @hingeschmidet / (

a.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Miesenberger is the director of the Institute for Integrated Studying at Johannes Kepler University Linz. He studied Business Informatics in Linz. He has been with the institute since 1991, focusing on research and teaching (assistive technologies, eAccessibility, eInclusion), as well as supporting students with disabilities. Doctorate (1999), habilitation (2001), visiting professorship at Université Claude Bernard, Lyon II, and further lectures as a visiting lecturer in Austria and abroad. He has been involved in more than 85 national and international research and development projects. His research work has been documented in more than 200 referenced publications.

He is the academic director of the ICCHP Conference (www.icchp.org), founder and head of KI-I (Competence Network Information Technology to Support the Integration of People with Disabilities, www.ki-i.at), past-president of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE, www.aaate.net) and founder/head of the "bookAccess" Association (www.bookaccess.at).

University Professor Mag. Dr. Gerhard Brandhofer, BEd holds a university professorship for Media Didactics and Informatic Education at the University of Education Lower Austria. His work is centred around planning, teaching and research in the field of the use of digital media in teaching in primary and secondary education. His research activities and publications include the use of digital media at schools as well as universities, the preconditions for successful informatics education, the implementation of visual programming languages in school education, the identification of the status quo of media education and informatic education in Austria, as well as the derivation of recommendations, the impact on university didactics caused by digital media and the related innovative teaching and learning formats, didactic design patterns and audience response systems.

MSc. Marlis Schedler, BEd works as a lecturer in teaching and further and advanced training at Vorarlberg Teaching University and actively contributes to the University's Centre for Media and school development. After her education as a secondary school teacher with a focus on natural science, she continued her qualifications in the field of e-learning and e-teaching through the Danube University Krems and the University for Distance Learning Hagen. She has shared her knowledge in numerous regional training sessions, as well as conferences in Austria and Germany, and her expertise is valued in several task forces (Schule 4.0, PHels, Moodle community, …). By incorporating digital tools in a wide variety of fields and making them freely available she has already won several awards, most recently the European Language Label in September 2017.

Dipl.-Päd. MAS MSc. Thomas Schroffenegger, BEd has been a lecturer at Vorarlberg Teaching University since 2003 and teaches in the field of Media Pedagogy and Teaching Methodology in various branches of study, as well as in further education. He studied to be a secondary school teacher and later continued to study Media Pedagogy, as well as University Didactics. Besides teaching in various types of school, he particularly focuses on teaching materials and teaching technology. Amongst others, he has published the learning programs www.schreibtrainer.comwww.typewriter.ch, www.matholino.com, www.wortschatzkiste.at, etc., has collaborated in the production of teaching materials, and primarily uses these tools in his research of learning.

MMag. Dr.phil. Elke Höfler works as a contract teacher at the Institute for Romance Languages at Graz University (emphasis on methodology) and teaches general lectures on media-didactic topics. In addition, she teaches at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, as well as at University of Applied Sciences FH Burgenland and frequently teaches in training sessions at several universities of teacher education in Austria, as well as eLectures at the University College of Virtual Teacher Education, where she also works as an online tutor. Her main research focus is on the fields of fiction research, media didactics, media-supported teaching methodology, language teaching research, social media, MOOCs and open educational resources. She contributes as a blogger on resources for (foreign) language teaching and Web 2.0 in teaching and education and is a founding member of the Bildungspunks (#EduPnx).

Login & Enrol Currently: 984 Participants

Free for all € 0.00


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University of Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck


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