Promoting digitalisation-related skills in chemistry education - a course for teachers
Promoting digitalisation-related skills in chemistry education - a course for teachers

Promoting digitalisation-related skills in chemistry education - a course for teachers

Paderborn University

Working group Chemistry Education Paderborn University


Duration 4 units
Unit 1 hour/unit
Licence CC BY-SA 4.0
Participants 1
Availability Unlimited
Start Date 1 April 2025
Costs € 0.00

General Course Information

Within this MOOC, you find an overview on recent topics of teacher education in chemistry, e.g. digital measurement of experimental data, education for sustainable development (ESD), contextualisation and artificial intelligence (AI). These topics are presented in short units, including videos, tasks, exchange forums, Quizzes, etc. You can work through the units independent of time and place. While the units focus on different aspects of teacher education, you can also draw connections between the units.

This course is intended for teachers and future teachers/university students in chemistry and similar subjects. For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.

More information on the project  ComeMINT-Netzwerk can be found here.


Course Content

This MOOC is structured in 5 units:

1. Introduction

2. Digital measurement of experimental data

3. Education for sustainable development (ESD)

4. Contextualisation

5. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Units can be completed independent of each other. However, at first a self-assessment can be conducted voluntarily. With the help of the self-assessment (unit 1), you can get some information which unit would be suitable the most for personal professional development. Processing time per unit is about approx. 30-45 min each.

Course Goals

People who graduated from this MOOC can...

Unit 2:

... explain potentials and advantages of the use of digital measurement for experimental data.
... explain didactic/pedagogical prerequisites and effects of the use of digital measurement for experimental data.
... plan lessons for students, in which digital measurement is used.

Unit 3:

... describe the concept of education for sustainable education (ESD) and apply this to chemistry education.
... plan lessons focussing on competences of ESD.
... evaluate which contexts/topics are suitable to focus on ESD competences.

Unit 4:

... describe effects of contextualisation in chemistry education on motivation and interest of the students.
... evaluate the suitability of contexts, based on characteristics of contexts and student interest.
... plan lessons by using contexts.

Unit 5:

... describe how large-language-models (LLM) work.
... evaluate the use of LLMs for planning lessons, especially for constructing real-life contexts.
... use LLMs to get support for lesson planning.

Previous Knowledge

No special prior knowledge is needed for this MOOC.

Course Procedure

This MOOC starts on 1st April 2025. With the help of a self-assessment (unit 1), you can get some information on which unit would be suitable the most for personal professional development. Units can be worked on in any order. 


For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your name, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that you answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.


This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (grant-number: 01JA23M06K). All views and opinions expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views on the European Union or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Neither the European Union, nor the Federal Ministry of Education and Research are responsible for those.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funded be the European Union  Ein Projektverbund von lernen:digital Kompetenzzentrum MINT

Course Instructor

Working group Chemistry Education Paderborn University
Working group Chemistry Education Paderborn University

Within the project  ComeMINT-Netzwerk. fortbilden durch vernetzen - vernetzen durch fortbilden. the chemistry education working group of Prof. Dr. Sabine Fechner offers professional development programs (PDP) in cooperation with additional partners. The focus of those programs is on digital measurement of experimental data, education for sustainable development (ESD), contextualisation and artificial intelligence (AI). This MOOC can be used for preparation and further processing of the topics of the PDPs.

This course is led by:

Pascal Pollmeier

Research Associate

Sabine Fechner

Professor for Chemistry Education

Login & Enrol The course starts on 1 April 2025. Currently: 1 Participants

Free for all € 0.00


Paderborn University

Paderborn University

151 Participants
2 Courses
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