Lehren mit Learning Analytics
University of Graz, Graz University of Technology
Sandra Hummel & Mana-Teresa Donner
General Course Information
This course is an interdisciplinary qualification program for educators that was developed as part of the project "Learning Analytics - Students in Focus".
This MOOC examines the use of learning analytics in higher education and aims to support student-oriented teaching development. The possibilities and limitations of technology in a higher education didactic context, along with the use of methods and tools in learning analytics, are examined in detail. This includes the analysis of learning activities, identification of learning needs and problems, as well as visualization of learning activities. Participants will learn how to collect and process data from various sources and how to integrate learning analytics into their teaching methods and strategies to improve the quality of teaching. This will enable them to comprehensively interpret the data and draw didactically relevant conclusions. Additionally, data protection and ethical aspects are central to the use of learning analytics in higher education and are also covered in this course.
This MOOC is aimed at higher education educators who wish to better understand students' learning processes and optimize their teaching based on the use of learning analytics. Additionally, it is targeted towards higher education didactics experts and trainers who support educators in using learning analytics in their teaching.
Course Content
The MOOC consists of 5 modules:
- Module 1: Introduction to the didactic use of LA
- Module 2: Didactical implications of dashboard visualizations
- Module 3: Technical and didactical implementation of dashboard visualizations
- Module 4: Implications for the development of teaching
- Module 5: Cours-related communication with students
Course Goals
- Encouraging a reflective approach to the use of learning analytics in higher education
- Providing competencies in the field of data analysis and interpretation
- Ability to critically evaluate learning analytics methods and tools
- Encouraging creative design possibilities for the integration of learning analytics into teaching
- Development of action competence in dealing with data protection and ethical aspects of learning analytics
- Encouraging the ability to continuously improve teaching methods and strategies through the use of feedback and evaluation.
Previous Knowledge
No prior knowledge is necessary.
Course Procedure
The 5 modules of this course build on each other and are characterized by content-related as well as methodical connections. In each lesson, the knowledge content is conveyed through an explanatory video and is concluded with a subsequent self-assessment (quiz questions). Additionally, a guide for educators in PDF format is provided.
For actively participating in the course you will receive an automatic certificate which includes your username, the course name as well as the completed lessons. We want to point out that this certificate merely confirms that the user answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.Course Instructor
Sandra Hummel & Mana-Teresa Donner
Mag. Dr.phil. Hummel Sandra, Institute of Educational Science, University of Graz
Sandra Hummel is an educational scientist in the research area of ‘Empirical Learning Research and Higher Education Didactics’ at the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Graz. Her main research focus is on AI-based adaptive teaching and learning systems. She is also the coordinator of several EU projects aimed at the learner-centered development and critical exploration of educational technologies.
Donner Mana-Teresa MSc MA, Institute of Educational Science, University of Graz
Mana-Teresa Donner completed her master's degree in Psychology (with a focus on Work and Organizational Psychology) and Adult Education and Lifelong Learning at the University of Graz. She has been working as a scientific project assistant in the department of Empirical Learning Research and Higher Education Didactics since 2020. Her research interests include Learning Analytics (project: Learning Analytics - Students in Focus), higher education, and self-regulated learning.
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University of Graz

Graz University of Technology