Digital skills for first-year students (2024/25)
Graz University of Technology
Martin Ebner & Katharina Hohla-Sejkora
Trailer for Digital skills for first-year students (2024/25)
Course Content
This MOOC is intended to introduce first-year students to the digital competence model for Austria (DigComp 2.2) and to present it in an understandable and clear way. The content is strictly based on the framework defined by the European Union and is divided into the following modules:- Competence area 1: Dealing with information and data
- Competence area 2: Communication and collaboration
- Competence area 3: Digital content creation
- Competency area 4: Security
- Competence area 5: Problem solving and learning
Each module is further subdivided into sub-areas.
Course Goals
After completing this MOOC, participants will...- know the defined digital competences and
- be able to integrate them into their daily study routine.
Previous Knowledge
There are no specific prerequisites.
Course Procedure
In the first units, participants are introduced to the topic and the course of the MOOC. In the five following units, the five competence areas of the European framework DigComp 2.2 are covered.
Each competence area consists of several videos that present the topics in the form of informal dialogues. These are followed by further links to explore the topics in more depth. At the end of each competence area there is a quiz to complete for self-assessment.
For active participation in the course, an automated confirmation of participation is issued upon completion, which includes your user name, the course name, the course duration and the effort involved. Please note that this is only a confirmation that the user has answered at least 75% of the self-assessment questions correctly.
This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 TU Graz Educational Technology.
ECTS credits
NOTE: The MOOC is of course open to the public.However, this MOOC is also offered as a course " Digitale Kompetenzen für Studienanfänger*innen" at the Graz University of Technology.
In order to participate in the course, it is necessary that you are registered at Graz University of Technology and register in TUGRAZonline for the course of the same name (LV-Nr.: 706.084, "Digitale Kompetenzen für Studienanfänger*innen").
Link to the course registration in TUGRAZonline:
Course Instructor
Martin Ebner & Katharina Hohla-Sejkora
Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. techn. Martin Ebner teaches and researches as a habilitated media computer scientist on topics related to technology-enhanced teaching and learning, often referred to as e-learning for short. Here he is particularly concerned with mobile learning, the effects of social media and learning analytics and is considered a great advocate of Open Educational Resources. In addition to his involvement in national and international committees, he is also very committed to the school and university system in Austria. In line with his motto ("making education accessible"), he is one of the founding fathers of the iMooX platform. In addition to this project, he is known in the German-speaking world for his textbook L3T (http://l3t.eu), which was the first freely accessible textbook of its kind.Mag.rer.nat. Katharina Hohla-Sejkora is an Instructional Designer in the service unit "Educational Technology" at Graz University of Technology. She completed a teaching degree with the subjects of computer science and computer science management at the Graz University of Technology and Italian at the University of Graz. Her responsibilities include the media-didactic design of teaching and learning scenarios, the creation of teaching and learning materials, the support of the MOOC platform iMooX.at as well as the technical support of the learning management system of TU Graz.
Also involved in the MOOC creation:
- Daniel Obermayr, in the context of his diploma thesis at TU Graz.
- Sarah Edelsbrunner, staff member of the service unit "Educational Technology" at TU Graz
- Katharina Gasplmayr, staff member of the service unit "Educational Technology" at TU Graz
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Free for all € 0.00

Graz University of Technology